[MA] Election analysis, plans and stuff

Day 1,477, 20:25 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
I'm gonna analyze your erection, plan your sex life according to it, and do stuff with you in the meantime to improve it.

QUETTA, Pakistan - Gentlemen, yesterday you have witnessed one of the most dynamic elections in ePakistan ever (/v/akistani never cared about elections), if you take aside the elections when Ukrainian PTO won. Despite losing by a quite big margin, and without going into validity of other votes, I want to congratulate Abdullah Sardar on winning December elections and wish him a good presidency with hope that we will regain our regions soon. Abdullah, if you need any advice, feel free to drop me a message.

I am happy about three things:
1) I am the only one who lost no votes during the elections. According to hamis11, Abdullah lost 10, and JJ lost 3 votes.
2) More people got to know me. I had always tried to keep low profile, with most of the talk done on IRC, but this time I have decided to try out a real media campaign, and I must say I'm liking it.
3) This campaign got some people interested in our politics, which means I still did something good, besides having much fun while ranting and trolling.

I have set a couple of goals that I wanted to do while CP, other than what I have written in my campaign. As mentioned to raao in one of our arguments through comments, my activity isn't constant. As a CP I would spend more time online for sure, what I cannot guarantee now, as there is no reason for me to do it.

One goal, which I am going to use as a PP of one of two Dioist parties, is shaping Pakistani politics. Time of /v/akistani and Exodus communism is long time gone, and as it seems, there is no chance for it to return. At least not yet. Until then, I will try to make Pakistani politics look like one in UK or USA, where people, despite putting a lot of effort in arguments, are still keeping things civil and treat opponents with respect. Pakistan, on the other hand, is taking Serbian path of politics, where you have two sides who can't stand eachother, and who even had some RL incidents because of the ingame politics.

Next goal is teaching people to play the game. You see, before elections I started gathering material about Dioism with a goal to shape it into some mini guide through /v/akistan. It's goal was to show how good /v/akistan was, and why. But ever since raao told me that Pakistan needs a Nationalist president rather than follower (in eReligion means), I have saw one big danger - ePaki community becoming eSerbian one. Believe me on this, I have first hand experience, it's horrible. Taking all that into equation, I have decided to shift topic more towards individual and how he worked as a part of a big group. Yes guys, I am going to teach you how to play a game and how to really enjoy it. Because stressing out at someone just because he defies your concept of Nation above other Nations is going to make you bored and quit after two-three months. Use RL newspaper boards for that, they are made for such things.

Last but not least, I am going to briefly point at a couple of things that happened in the last few days and how it will affect us. War analysis was my favorite part of the media for years, sucks it's dead now.

In USA, player Oblige won. I had hoped for Dioist to win, we could use that to pressure China. Now, I am not sure.
In Serbia, new CP is desert hamster. He is supported by Serbian Nationalistic movement that started out as Bosnian PTO team, so I can assume that once pressure on Serbia is lowered, he is going to take over Bosnia, then Croatia, and THEN we might have a chance to get support from Serbia in our war. So at least 15 days.

Other countries are either not relevant to us or I just don't know much about their politics.

Australia left EDEN, probably because EDEN didn't care about them at all. It's reasonable, with countries like Romania or Croatia having no original regions for months. But also, understandable from Australia side. Also, eAustralia gov signed a deal with eIndo, so I expect some peace there.

Poland had signed a deal with France and Germany, and that is why you see them on the map. It's old news, but not bad to notice those who don't know.

Serbia lost a couple of battles and many resources in the last few days. Also, the battle of Aquitaine is one of the biggest battles in eWorld since V1. I hope those people are joking, nothing can be as epic as some battles in V1. The impact of this is quite simple. Serbia lost regions, it's economy will fall down, and TEDEN is going to have initiative until Poland releases the Kraken and returns initiative in ONE's hands. Sad as it may sound, but that's the maximum extent of today's strategy.

Some things to remember:

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Signing off,

P.S. Since when do I need to type Captcha in order to sub a newspaper? I thought orgsubs are long gone..