[ĀM] Pacifica & intervija ar ASV Wild Owl

Day 2,436, 14:33 Published in Latvia Latvia by Arlietu ministrija

Sveiki, eLatvieši!

Esam oficiāli uzņemti aliansē Pacifica ar pārliecinošu kongresa balsoju par!

Par alianses darbībām informēsim regulāri, kad tādas tiks plānotas vai jau notikšanas stadijā esošās. Vēlamies arī informēt un iepazīstināt spēlētājus ar šo aliansi pēc iespējas vairāk, tādēļ nākošajos rakstos varēs iepazīties ar ASV un Krievijas stiprākajām militārajām vienībām un vadošajām partijām, tāpat arī ar valdošo galu gan valdības, gan aliansē, bet pagaidām standarta informācija, kas ir pieejama augstāk linkos ir atrodama un arī šeit - Wiki Pacifica (Lapa tiks atjaunota sakarā ar Latvijas pievienošanos).

Alianses uzbūve ir pavisam vienkārša, nav nekādu bezgalīgo amatu vai irc grupu. No katras valsts tiek izvirzīts pārstāvis uz mēnesi, pēc brīvas izvēles var pievienoties katras valsts MoFA,MOD,CP(ja nav jau pārstāvis).

Drīzumā tiks izlaists oficiālais alianses laikraksts, par to paziņošu tik līdz būs pieejams. 🙂

Divi ASV pilsoņi pievienojas Latvijai. WookyJack un R U I N A T I O N

Why did you guys decide to join Latvia?

To learn more about the culture and community in RL and in game. I know absolutely nothing about the country and did not know it existed until I played erepublik! I am the commanding officer of SHIELD MU and I enjoy fighting and helping our allies.

Your plans and how long you will stay?

I just want to create friendships and earn some True Patriot points fighting with eLatvians!

Vienīgais ko varu piebilst, tad 2 divīzijā konkurence tikko pieauga pamatīgi. 😃

Kā jau iepriekš tika solīts, tad šeit būs jau pirmā intervija ar ASV pilsoni Wild Owl. WO ir viens no aktīvākajiem spēlētājiem AVS, divkārtējais prezidents, iepriekšējais alianses līderis un pašreizējais ASV pārstāvis Pacifica.

- How do you see Latvia in Pacifica?

- Latvia has the potential to be an integral partner in Pacifica. It holds a key place in the Baltics and has fiery warriors who I anticipate will be giving a tough time to Belarus in the future as they are presently.

- By expending alliance reciently with third member, is there planned to join even more?

- Pacifica deals with applications on a case by case basis. I personally would have no problems with expansion if a state applied and was able to fulfill conditions that satisfied us.

- USA- Russia has been partners for long time, how Latvia's joining will impact that or change alliance atmosfer in military stance or any other way?

- I expect the USA-Russia friendship to continue to blossom ingame. Latvia's addition will further enhance this as both of us now take a greater interest in the Baltics region.

- Many players are surprised by this move, how do you see it?

- While the move may have been surprising for many, personally for me, it wasn't a massive surprise. The kind of regional security that Pacifica offers to nations is unparralleled, and time will prove that.

- Any fun fact you can say about USA or Russia what have happened in Pacifica?

- We're a fairly no-nonsense group. Many expected us to be in trouble after the Romanian AS on Russia and the US-French war heating up but we proved them wrong.

- First thing what comes in mind when you hear name Latvia?

- White wagtails. Dunno why but I always think of those birds when I think of Latvia.

- Anything you want say to players of Latvia?

- Welcome to Pacifica! I'm aware that this change is new and probably unexpected for many of you but I can assure you that overtime, it will be a fruitful one. I look forward to Latvia acting as a key integral partner of Pacifica.

Thansk for interview! 🙂

Paldies tiešām par labo interviju, nākamā intervija būs ar nimnul pašreizējo alianses līderi un Krievijas pārstāvi Pacifica. Viņa domas un novērtējumu par aliansi un Latviju varēsim jau lasīt tuvākajās dienās. 🙂

Tas pagaidām viss, sekojam līdzi alianses jaunumiem un galvenais cīnāmies un aizstāvam viens otru!

Hail USA!
Hail Latvia!
Hail Russia!
Hail Pacifica!