[Legend XX Stats] CODE vs. Asteria

Day 4,552, 03:32 Published in Iran Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of the World!

as we all know, the events of past few weeks (which included almost unlimited tanking, where the price of tanks was the only limit) caused many people to rank up their accounts significantly. I was too weak to be one of those lucky ones, but there were reports of dozens and dozens new Legends appearing basically overnight, with many existing Legends reaching their full potential and currently maximum level of Rank, Legend XX. But what nations managed to benefit the most from this situation, and which side (CODE or Asteria... or maybe the undecided ones 😉 ) has the bigger Legends XX roster? Well, let's see few graphics based on the data from Day 4,551.

A few general comments:

- The graphs will total number of Legends XIX+XX in each nation/alliance to Day 4,551.

- For comparison of improvement, a Bulgarian article written almost exactly 200 days ago can be used to compare data from that period, and current period. Spoiler: the current numbers of Legends XX are muuuuch bigger, though the rations and trends are similar in many nations.

- I am aware there are 18 other Legend ranks, which are also quite important (especially at higher levels), and I only focus on the top two tiers. In the future articles, I might go into more in-depth statistics on various types of Legends around the world, however for now I only focus on the strongest ones.

- Some Legends have their Legend ranks in multiple countries making them weaker. I know some of these examples by name, but it would be hard to single-out every single one of them, so for the sake of simplification, I will assume all Legends XX are equally Legendary. (All in all, in theory, both sides should suffer from similar percentage of these cases, making their impact more or less even).

- Colors of nations are used mostly based on in-game color. Colors of alliances are chosen solely by my personal preference 😉 . pro-CODE and pro-Asteria alignments of certain nations are chosen based on my general view - if something is wrong there, please do let me know!

- Countries, which are not members of any or the aforementioned alliances, are all thrown in the "Rest" category, excluding some nations, who usually do a lot of damage on the battlefield, or have exceptional amount of Legends on their own.

So, without more text, let's look at the infographics and start with total amount of Legends across the alliances.

We see that CODE has more top level Legends then Asteria by more than 20 - the ratio is 174 on CODE side to 151 on Asterian side. Pacifica maintains third position with 50 Legends, while Andes and Hydra are close to each other, with 41 and 38 respectively. Important to note that all Andes legends are either in Brazil, Argentina or Chile - the rest of Andes members have none, and are often not even close to obtain one in the near future. Out of the singled-out nations, France, Ukraine and Slovenia perform very well with their Legend counts.

We can also dissect the distribution of Legends in Asteria and CODE per each nation. No surprise that Croatia and Serbia will be winners in their alliances, however some might be surprised how huge their lead is over the rest. In Asteria, Romania and Bulgaria both keep equally strong Legend force, with Iran also standing high. On CODE side, we have all members participating as well, with Turkey and Greece standing toe on toe with Romania and Bulgaria in their Legend count, while Hungary on fourth place is also similar to Iran in terms of numbers.

In the not displayed section, Macedonia with 22 Legends and Poland with 20 Legends would also take top spots amongst the aforementioned behemots, with Taiwan and Russia being able to keep their Legend count slightly above 10.

Do you like this article? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Let me know in the comments!

The CEO of Home Food Company and headwriter of Rambling Gazette