[illi4PP] Next Episode

Day 2,878, 15:58 Published in USA USA by Illiguy

There's no doubt our great party is due for a period of reflection. We're still continuing our meteoric rise up the party rankings, finding our voice as a full congressional delegation, and holding our first Jude-less PP election in several months. There's so much we've done, but there's still so much left to do. I am running for Party President and hope to show you all why I should be handed the reins of this wonderful institution.

First, a bit about what I've been doing lately. I'm currently a voting member on the Revolutionary Committee, and have sat on the committee for several months now. It's been exciting being a part of our rise to the top 5. This is my 3rd term in Congress, and my 2nd as Party Whip (I must admit, whipping 15 congressmen is a bit more challenging than 3 😉 ), and it's been very interesting learning the ins and outs of our eNation's politics. I've been mentoring at American University, run by Dean EddieA and SoCA Jaden A, both fellow SFPers, and I've enjoyed getting to know some of our young eAmericans. I'm also currently babysitting the SFP Housing Program while hoss is on vacation.

So enough about me. What do I have in mind for the party going forward? While we have the most active members of any party, we need to avoid stagnation and continue to encourage activity among both new and old members. Communication is the key to this game, and towards that end I want to generate ideas to get more activity on the party forum as well as on IRC or Skype. I'd also like to see us return to dominating the media. I know I for one have been guilty of neglecting the media module as of late (thank you, GoTJ, for pointing that out in your most recent article), and I plan to remedy that going forward, win or lose. The last thing I want for this party is us to fade into the background now that we've come this far.

I also want us to continue to grow our influence on national politics. Even though we have the largest delegation in Congress, it's becoming apparent that the best way to implement the changes we want is to have control over the executive. Towards that end, we need to continue to push for party members to have spots in CP cabinets, and hopefully soon, have viable CP candidates of own. Of course, the best way to develop quality players for national roles is to have them cut their teeth in party leadership positions. I would like to continue opening the RC to everyone interested, and encouraging new players to get involved in party functions.

Introducing my leadership team:

-VP: Jaden A. As you all know, Jaden has been an active party member for some time now, and quickly rising in the ranks of our national government. She is currently Secretary of Citizen Affairs, Deputy Speaker, Congress Member, one of my opponents in this race, and many other things! Her support and advice will be indispensable.

-Secretary General: Jude Connors Jude needs no introduction, really, but suffice it to say we wouldn't be where we are today without his vision and guidance. He will continue to help orchestrate our elections and advise the party leadership.

-Councillor/Whip: Kevin Sheridan Kevin Sheridan has been an active party member for some time now, providing great advice and analysis on the SFP forum as well as tracking the movements of players between parties during the crucial days we spent on the cusp of the t5. Recently, he's proven to be a great voice in our congressional delegation, and is another opponent in this election! I am glad to have him take up whipping duty next term.

-Spokesman: Mama Lunete Lunete is one of our great new, active members. He's in Congress for the first time this term, and as you all know, he is one of our eNation's best writers. You've seen him contributing to the WHPR as well as SFP Official Media. Fun Fact: Mama Lunete was my student at American University (and he also got me lynched in the Harvest Festival Mafia game...)

There you have it! This is going to be a great election. No matter who wins, SFP will be in good hands. Expect another article highlighting some of my plans closer to election time.