[IE] - Interview with Trekker Tlumac!

Day 2,700, 02:58 Published in Ireland Mexico by Lalo292

Irish Ambassy on the US - 12/04/2015

Hello dear Irish fellows!
I've been appointed as Ambassador for this month on the US, and as frist task I was asked to make an interview on someone important on the assigned country and, what's better than a Lizard Dictator?
A Tyrant Lizard Dictator Nothing!

So, this is the interview I did, enjoy!

A Brief Introdution
Trekker Tlumac, country president by the Federalist Party, being his first time getting the chair, was elected by 54.28% of the votes, has been vCP and 15 times congressman, 3 times president for his party and a nice lizard too!

The Interview

1. Could you tell me something about yourself?
I am a pretty quiet statesman. I am just trying to help my country and do the best job I possibly can. I would like to think I am more Spartan than anything. Reasonably humble farmer and proud fighter.

2. Lefty or Righty?

3. What is your favourite foreign beverage?
Red Stripe.

4. What is your favourite number and why is it?
I am partial to 5, 13, and 59. As for the reasons why? I am unsure, those numbers just seem to follow me.

5. What is your favourite thing about Ireland? (Hehe)
Guinness, Jameson, and rich cultural history.

6. Who are the greatest allies of the US right now?
Probably Pacifica, however we have many great friends and allies.

7. What is your opinion on installing a dictadorship?
I understand the reason for installing dictators. If it were not the case, I would not have run for CP and been made dictator myself. It is a preemptive action to prevent national enemies from taking advantage of Plato's newest toy.

8. Is this cat going up or down?
Neither. That cat is clearly walking sideways.

9. Whitout googling it, what you think L’appel du vide means?
Not a clue, but it I had to guess I would say something speaking about "the life/live" or something.

10. Did you liked the interview?
I have no problems with interviews and I am fine answering questions. 😃

Interesting things and nerdy stuff
The Numbers
The number five is pretty popular in religions! The Torah has 5 books, Christ had 5 wounds, Muslims pray 5 times a day, Sikhism have 5 sacred symbols, 5 classical elements, 5 olimpic rings, 5 rivers in the Hades, we all know Coco Channel No. 5 too.
Thirteen is good, there are 13 cards of each suit in a standard deck, airplanes have no 13th aisle and at 13 you become officially a teenager.
And finally, 59 has history too! There are only 59 seconds in a minute, each Voyager has greetings in 59 languages, you can only see 59% of the moon and a day in Mercury last 59 days!

Common thing on those numbers:
The three numbers are prime

L’appel du vide
There exists a psychological phenomenon in which perfectly sane people, with no desire to die, find themselves faced with a steep cliff and experience a strong desire to leap.
This phenomenon is so common in fact, that the french have a term for it; L’appel du Vide, "Call of the Void".

Hope you enjoy'd the article fellas!

Ambassador of Éire