▒█eRepublik Can't Die█▒

Day 542, 14:52 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

The past few weeks have been a dark time over all of eRep. The cheats go unstopped (as we know banning offenders doesn't stop it from happening.) Atlantis fell on it's face, and both sides I personally think disgraced themselves by having even one bug influence a battle from either fight.

After the losses of WSR and Podolia, many Romanians vowed to, and have quit the game (wow the game). Again people are saying eRepublik is dead.

However do we not remember January? The Spanish gold bug had just made headlines, accusations of Romania's use of cheats and semi-recent PTO of Russia left many in awe. It was then that we also saw cries of "eRep being dead" Avatars of Nicolae Ceauşescu (harsh Romanian Dictator) were flying all around. Then too, bans were on the rise and the theme of eRep being dead was flying all over the place.

Again people said they were leaving. Again we did see many leave. But eRep did not die. In fact eRep continued to go through one of it's largest population booms. Since then we saw almost the entire Indo v. Romania fight. We saw the US try and flex it's muscles, and continued to see PEACE vs. Atlantis continue.

With that in mind for those who wish to stay, we must push forward. Remember that eRep can't die. Those who have invested as much time in it as those who populate many of these countries won't let it die. Everything goes through dark times, this is just another one of those. We can't let those who have no honor by using bugs drain the morale from all of those playing. We can only bow our heads for those who could finally not take it anymore, and push on. We can only pray that bugs will be fixed. We can only hope those who left change their minds. We can only hope that eRep won't die.