[Economy] Effectively Raw...

Day 2,464, 10:11 Published in Australia United Kingdom by Jny123

G'day mates, I've decided to start a series of articles giving economic advice in the current circumstances with the hope it will help those who are struggling under the current economy.

So in this article i shall be discussing the most cost effective raw material production. First we must see what each building makes and how much they cost:

So the cost of each building is easy to compare 10 gold is equal to 1916cc and 35 gold is 6709cc. In this circumstance i'm going to base the next figures on the idea that the raw material is to be sold on and not used in production. Therefore we must look at the price of raw material, which is 0.03cc on both food and weapons. With this we now boot up the old calculator and plug in the following numbers, cost of building ÷ income per unit. this will give us the number of unit you must make to hit the "break even" point, or point at which you start making profit on the initial cost. Then we do,
number of units until break even ÷ units made per day. which gives us the number of days it takes.

So lets go through each building.

Grain Farm/Iron Mine- 1500÷0.03= 50000 units until break even
50000÷35= 1429 days until break even
1.05 daily income

Fruit Orchard/Oil Rig- 3000÷0.03= 100000 units until break even
100000÷70= 1429 days until break even
2.1 daily income

Fishery/Aluminium mine- 1916÷0.03= 63867 units until break even
63867÷125= 511 days until break even
3.75 daily income

Cattle Farm/Saltpeter Mine- 8500÷0.03= 283334 units until break even
283334÷175= 1619 days until break even
5.25 daily income

Hunting lodge/rubber plantation- 6709÷0.03= 223633 units until break even
223633÷250= 895 days until break even
7.5 daily income

As we can see from looking at this the payback period on any of these are no great with the shortest still being over a year. So in terms of return on investment Fisherys and Aluminium mines are the best buy. If what you seek however is a good daily income then i would still recommend them rather than the 2 which make a little bit more. If we compare the fishery with the hunting lodge then yes the hunting lodge makes more but i also costs 3 and a half more times to buy which simply doesn't add up because 3 fisherys make 11.25cc per day.

Therefore i conclude the best option for raw materials that is most cost effective is Fisherys and Aluminium mines.

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