[Dental Corps] Statement Regarding Puppet Masters

Day 2,557, 15:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Vagabonds

After the previous article has been taken down for 'vulgarity' here's a new censored version...

Oh eUK, we all know Alex has had a bumpy ride to the Presidency but very few of us know how much mental torture, harassment, blackmail and constant messaging he had to endure from certain individuals who never wanted him as CP, waited for him to fail and couldn't wait until his impeachment was up.

This is a story about who was truly behind Alex and his motives for resignation.

How did this all begin?

When confronted about it in Congress, Neil had this to say:

So it was a 'FACT'... yet no evidence was ever provided. Neil was then hammered about this in Congress and in order to save face, decided he would manipulate Alex in to making up a story about a copy-cat.

Later he pretended that he heard that for the first time. In his messages to Alex, Neil said that he and Suezo might set up a Shadow Cabinet.

Harassment continued every single day and after every article published. Neil had absolutely no regard for Alex's health condition even though he told him numerous times he was ill and having therapy:

Neil blackmailing Alex he would screenshot their conversation if he didn't take action against his own Cabinet:

After threats that he will report Alex to admins over some bogus claims and non-existing screenshots, Neil made him report his own Cabinet members and asked him to kick out three people:

Neil suggesting he should be new Prime Minister and MoLA VoodooMike.

The on-going messaging continued until Alex's health condition deteriorated to the point he was forced to resign. Now, as a reward this former Shadow Cabinet member became the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Neil was not the only one instructing Alex what to do, these past couple of weeks. New PP of TUP sent him a message with an article that he should publish:

Meanwhile another TUPer, Madelina was never too keen on Alex becoming CP, so she advised him to step down even before the voting:

Madelina telling Alex who his advisors should be in order for people to see 'the bad guys' as the trolls they are.

If UKPP PP, BaronChris, was worried about anything, it was what are the passes to all organisations:

If these are our new leaders, the future doesn't look quite so bright!

To all potential Dentists - The art of dentistry is a skilled profession. You can't just become a Dentist you have to earn that right by examination. If you feel you are eligible then request an audience with us on IRC @ http://tinyurl.com/dental-corps
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Oh wait, you can't!