[DAF] Beloning / Svealand / Reward

Day 2,496, 19:37 Published in Netherlands Finland by Walhallah

Dear Soldiers,

The war continues. On behalf of our VCP, I ask you all to check in and fight to your abilities. In order to stimulate fun and hard fighting, DAF offers its soldiers the following rewards for showing our flag on the battlefield
=Svealand, For eUK= :

In every battle that is won for eUK in your division:

D1: 10Q7 For the DAF Battle Hero
D2: 20Q7 For the DAF Battle Hero
D3: 30Q7 For the DAF Battle Hero
D4: 40Q7 For the DAF Battle Hero

In order to be eligible for the rewards, you must have the DAFatar.
(we expect fair play, so no stealing from fellow eDutchmen)

Claim your rewards below this article! Good luck all!




DAF 'the Sword of the Nation'