[CPs of new World]October 2014-Hall of fame-3/3

Day 2,540, 15:06 Published in Argentina Chile by Elfospider

This is the last article of the series for the month of October. Now we will discover records of CPs for this Month.

We can begin by talking about the real age of ours CP and we will concentrate on the younger CP. The third CP in this rank is..... ZmicerU(Belarus) with his 17 years. The second position is held by Willem The Conqueror (Netherland and 14 years). The youngest CP of this mandatory with only 13 years is Kusuri Uri (Pakistan).

On the other hand of this top we have one with his 39 years. But lets start with the third position. With 34 years we have three players: St. Stefanos (Greece), Zheka (Russia) and Alvaro Cunhal (Portugal). 35 years make conquer the second position to Zdlemmy (Croatia). And finally, the eldest CP, and our first recordman is….. NuRupeNik(Republic of Moldova) with his 39 years.
Now we can pass to the game age, but this time we will start with the eldest one… The birth on 12 of September 2008 gives to Radsoc (Sweden) the bronze medal. Forty-seven days (27 of July 200😎 early the eworld saw the birth of Mixliarder (Estonia). And finally the record of this category goes to Matahari (Indonesia) with the birth on 17 of April 2008.

We will close the age part with the e-youngests. With only 320 days in game on the last place of our podium we have KN koyomi (South Korea) and Darth Angel (Paraguay). A bit further we have Willem The Conqueror (Netherland) with his 301 days in game. And finally there is Whats Yours Is Mine (Armenia), with only 200 days is the youngest CP of e-world of this month.
I’d like to notice that Willem The Conqueror is in the second position by RL age and ingame age.
At this point we can see the CPs with the biggest number of CPs medals got for the same nation. On the third place we have Jewelz Cheng (Republic of China -Taiwan- ) with 5 medals. 6 mandates permit MrFahrenheit to get his second position and the record of 8 mandates is held by casadeli (Latvia) and Nerzhu1 (Malaysia).

As we are at the end of mandatory we can rate the answers on the question about mandatory goals. 17% of CPs have succeeded with thier goals, 15% did better than declared, while 22% was thinking to reach better goals that actually obtained.
The CPs that got the biggest region increase are turturica (Romania) with the absolute increase of 12 regions and MR. CHOBY (Peru) the relative increase of 200% (9 regions against 3 at the beginning). On the other side we have XiaoQQC (China) who lost 30 regions and Cyberkoc (Austria), XiaoQQC (China), MrFahrenheit (Czech Republic), Dibex (Italy), Auntie hihi (North Korea), who lost 100% of his regions.
Link to image

3 CPs got impeachment this month KN koyomi (South Korea), Aleksandra the Great (Philippines) and Bad Mojo (Singapore).

See you on new mandatory with other interviews…

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[CPs of new World]October 2014-Hall of fame-3/3