🇨🇦 [CP] eCanadian Affairs 🇨🇦

Day 5,259, 16:24 Published in Canada Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Five days ago, I took over as Country President for our friend Thedillpickl. I want to wish him well and thank him for stepping aside gracefully.

In going forward, things are running rather smoothly in my opinion.

I thank for Mann551 and Helixer for being in the previous Cabinets and I know they will continue to do great things behind the scenes as they have already been doing.

Having said that, I could not in good faith keep them in my Cabinet. One didn't vote in favor of the Impeachment which was asked for by not only the sitting CP at the time but other prominent government members. The other I have personal issues with. Plus, I wanted to shake the Cabinet up a bit.

My current Cabinet...

I have no doubt they will do great things this term. I wish there were more roles to assign but sadly there aren't. If anyone wants to help any of the current members or wishes to join the Cabinet next term should I win let myself or any of them know. Yes, I plan on running again.

Training Wars

It took me a moment to find the right area to push the attack buttons since I haven't been CP in over 6 years. Thanks Kippers! All campaigns are going pretty smoothly. Only 3 CPs have reached out to me regarding attacks and I have pushed the buttons when needed. I made certain to space things out a bit when we had our Air Epic with India.

Embargo Proposal

Yesterday I proposed a Trade Embargo with Russia for obvious RL reasons. That was the spirit of it. I saw no in-game issues with it as I don't think it would have mattered much in the grand scheme of things. If CODE had come after us for it, it was a hit I was willing to take. I have friends who are eUkrainian in game and I feel for them and those who are affected RL as well.

The embargo was voted down for multiple reasons. The only reason I know for sure was I didn't propose it to Congress. I'm not in the Congressional thread and I did it as a quick move without hesitation. I apologize if any Congress members feel I didn't respect their thoughts or opinions on the matter.


Currently we're moving funds as we have before via donation proposals. A bit slower than I've observed before but Spring is here for a lot of people so I expect responses to take more time than usual. I haven't spoken to Mann551 at the time of this article so I don't know if he still will be doing his financial reports or not.

Thank you to all of those who help during this term and for the foreseeable future. I hope I live up to expectations and my appointed duties. I have some plans for the future but will wait a bit on that.

Until next time...

Sincerely yours,