[CoS] Pushing Forward, v1 and v2 (with UPDATE)

Day 876, 03:35 Published in Ireland USA by Cpl Useless
IDF Plan for v1 transitioning to v2

IDF Structure: v2

IDF Tank Division
IDF Helicopter Division
IDF Artillery Division
IDF Rifle Division

The idea is that in v2 battle, Armies must have all four types of weapons organized and covered. If you are weak in one area, the enemy will just attack heavily in the areas you can't defend. Controlling 'hexes' with strategy will be key to the outcome of battles.

IDF Supply: v2
Each Division will be assigned an IDF Org in control of a Weapons Company. This company will match v2 specialties and be run by each Division's Commanding Officers (COs). There will also be 2 or 3 Executive Officers (XOs) to aide in contact, info, and possibly supply.

Supplies are distributed via IRC. A channel has been set-up for this purpose, #IDFSupply. Soldiers will connect and .link their profile, a supply officer will be on to check the API for the reporting Soldier's supply clearance. Our MoD and myself have worked out basic function and will continue to use the time left in v1, to further progress.

IDF Structure v1

Tank Division
CO - Michael Hook
XO - Castaneda
XO - Anthony Colby
Helicopter Division
CO - Ian Arbuckle
XO - Bradmus
XO - Santiago Hortez
Artillery Division
CO - Dylanb9216
XO - Sean Power
XO - JohnSmith 2K9
XO - Bryan O'Shea
Rifle Division
CO - Cpl Useless
XO - irishbhoy1967

I have basically divided all 'regular' IDF Soldiers between 4 Divisions that represent each military specialty in v2. I say 'basically', because there will be one more division for v1 purposes. More below 😉

I realize Soldiers and Officers may not be where they want to be for v2. We will be putting together PMs and a googledoc to get troops where they want to be in the future. Our Officers will start contacting troops shortly with where they have been placed. New Barracks have been created on the National Forums for sign in after contact, as well.

Na Fianna

The Fifth Division
CO - Dan Murchadh
XO - edfluff
XO - Ghoti Frye

We are finalizing Soldier numbers and strength, Dan Murchadh and I will have an update together shortly.

Na Fianna will be deployed regularly in aide of our BROs through mutual Command coordination. I will be chatting regularly with our MoFA Irishbhoy, MoD Snakeyes, President Patton on how they can be best used. All of our 'Brass' are committed to secure Ireland's future and defense, in cooperation with Brolliance efforts.

--** UPDATE **--

Please check Division Rosters for your name and then sign in.

IDF Na Fianna
IDF Tank Division
IDF Helicopter Division
IDF Artillery Division
IDF Rifle Division

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