[Congress] Food Tax Change Proposal

Day 743, 21:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

PROPOSAL WAS PREPARED BY STIGGEH (Deputy Secretary Of The Treasury)

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Introduction (WHY VOTE YES)

As we know the economy of ePakistan is in shambles. I intend to rectify that as soon as possible. As Ahsan pointed out our Import is at 54.53 Gold while our Export is barely 2.94.
At the current rate ePakistan is BLEEDING money.

This is a major undertaking and the economy cannot be fixed overnight. Therefore i have devised a step by step method in which we will tackle the problem in different stages.

1. Reducing foreign competition
2. Improving economic conditions for local companies
3. Improving conditions for starting up new businesses in ePakistan.

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First course of action

The basic necessity of life is food. I can guarantee that up to 75% of the imports are food.

I propose we need to increase import tax on food to 60%.
Reduce foreign food flooding the market, therefore local businesses make more sales
Increased profits in local companies means better ability to increase wages to secure more employees
Increased local productivity also means increased potential for exports


PROPOSAL: Increase import taxes on Food to 60%

-Deputy Secretary of Treasury