[Congress: 11/04] New National Military Plan

Day 3,065, 03:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

New Discussion article for the next 48hrs.


From the nomination form that I included in my last article, I received five applications for the Citizenship committees:

Kapten Johnson, Aleks Popovic, Huey George, jamesw, CheetahCurtis

Since the CS committee has five spaces, all are elected straight onto the committee without the need for an election.

We also had the same five accounts apply for the Defence and Foreign Affairs Committee, where there are only three spaces- therefore an election is required. Please use the form below to cast your vote.


New Proposals

None Currently.

New Debates

The New National Military Plan put forward by the government. This is a complex document so I will be allocating the remaining 36hours of this session to a thorough debate on this.

There will be no vote at the end of this, the votes will follow on the pieces of legislation needed to enact the plan.

Here is the document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujoSC1XW4uX5Gl-sqsUgTr_WFnr3C2DAqbN6tx6YE5M/edit

PM the Speaker to put forward a proposal or request a debate on an issue.