[BGH] The Up's and Down's of Wellness

Day 910, 12:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House
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Wellness can be a confusing thing when you first join Erepublik, and it can be difficult to find different ways to reach the maximum health and maintain it at that level. The ultimate goal with wellness is to reach 100. While there are many different ways to increase your wellness, there are also many setbacks which will reduce it if you're not careful.

In this guide , we list and explain all the different ways to increase your wellness as well as how you can lose wellness.

Ways To Gain Wellness



Gifting is now one of the major ways to get your wellness up since the hospital rules changed. Gifting is also a quick and simple way to get your wellness up by a maximum of 10 a day. A problem with this though is that it can be a bit costly if you are continually buying Q1, Q2, Q3 and so on gifts for either yourself or a another person, keep in mind though you can't buy a gift and use it for yourself. A good method is either donating it to a friend and ask them to gift you up with the donated gift, or if you have an organisation, you can simply do it that way.

The quality of gifts determine how much wellness you will gain from it. A Q1 gift will give you 1 wellness for each one sent, Q2 will increase you by 2 wellness each time, Q3 gives you 3 wellness etc. Gifting is where the British Gifting Hub helps. Free of charge, we will gift you up to 75 wellness to help you get back on track. More information can be found here.



Food is slightly more complicated than gifting and much more important, without food your citizen will die. Q1 food can be bought cheaply from the market place and is automatically eaten at the end of an Erepublik day. If you have no food in your inventory, you will lose 4 wellness everyday until you buy a piece of food. With food, and the same for houses, the higher your wellness, the less wellness you will gain from the product. The amount of wellness gained from a piece of food comes down to what the Q it is. If it's a Q3 food product, you will gain more wellness from it than if it was a Q1 or Q2 piece of food. There are some great wellness calculators around the place, here is one of the more popular ones.



A house is a simple bonus to your wellness. It's not vital to have a house and can cost a fair amount to purchase the higher Q, but it is recommended in the long run. A house lasts forever at the moment, but that it set to change with the introduction of V2 in which houses will deteriorate over a period of time. If you have more than one house, it will only use the highest Q house. Like food, the wellness is added on at the end of an Erepublik day. Like food as well, the higher Quality house, the more wellness you will gain at the end of the day.


Moving Ticket

A Moving Ticket will either mean you lose, gain or stay the same in wellness. The effects of a Q1, Q2 and Q3 ticket are list below in the How To Lose Wellness section. The Tickets that can increase you wellness are the following. A Q4 Moving Ticket will mean you gain 1 wellness while a Q5 ticket will mean you gain 2 wellness. Like all the other products, the higher Q, the larger the cost will be.

Wellness Box

A wellness box costs 2 Gold to increase your wellness by 10. You can't buy one off the market so don't get tricked into a scam if someone is offering you a wellness box. To buy a wellness box, simply click on the 'Gold & Extras' section and then the 'Wellness Box' button. We would however advice you not too buy a wellness pack unless you are in the most dire of wellness situations.

Ways To Lose Wellness



If you have no food in your inventory, you will lose 4 wellness a day until you purchase some. Before the hospital changes this wasn't that much of a problem because it was very easy to have 100 wellness everyday. Losing 4 wellness today affects your citizen in many ways, whether it be the cost of getting it back up or the loss of production. Food is relatively cheap, so buy several and wait until it runs out before you re-stock. You will get an alert to warn you about no food and also Plato will be warning you about it until you buy some.


Every time you fight, you will lose 10 wellness. Don't worry though as you will regain the wellness you lost by up to 50 (Depending the Q hospital). For example, you fight 4 times and then heal in a Q5 hospital region. This will increase your wellness by 40, back to where you were before. You can fight down to 30 wellness, but no more as you need 40+ to fight, another important factor you need to keep in mind is that you can only heal at a hospital once a day and only after you've fought at least once.

Working & Training

Working and training are the two most obvious ways to lose wellness. With training, you will lose 1 wellness every time you fight no matter what training method you user what strength you have. Working however is slightly more different, it all depends on what Q company you work in. Working in a Q1 company will mean you lose 1 wellness everyday from working, a Q2 company will make you lose 2 wellness, Q3 will be 3 wellness and this carries on until Q5 which will, like the others, mean you lose the wellness equivalent to the Q company.


Moving Tickets

Moving Tickets are a way to lose or gain wellness. If you buy a Q1 ticket, you will lose 2 wellness when you use it. A Q2 ticket will mean you lose 2 wellness. However, if you buy a Q3 Moving Ticket you will neither gain or lose wellness. The effects of a Q4 and Q5 ticket are list above in the Ways To Gain Wellness section.

Wiki Links

Wellness Box
Moving ticket

British Gifting Team