„Basarabia e România!”

Day 2,166, 07:28 Published in South Korea South Korea by ManuR

To the attention of my foreign readers

This article is for this contest
The article has a link to an awesome song: original lyrics by Ioan Nenițescu, adapted by Tudor Gheorghe. You have at the end the translation of the lyrics.

Când România a devenit “dodolaţă” bunica mea era un prunc ce mai plângea prin bătătura casei părinteşti. În aceeaşi bătătură a plâns atunci când o putere nedreaptă a smuls Basarabia din trupul ţării. Niciodată nu am auzit de la ea cum că Basarabia ar fi altceva decât o bucată de Românie.
Anii au trecut, şi am ajuns studentă în Iaşul zugrăvit în povestirile bunicii. Erau vremuri grele (ca mai mereu) şi mulţi basarabeni veneau în piaţă să vândă câte ceva pentru câţiva lei în plus.
La o tarabă erau două fete, tinere...aproape doi copii. S-a apropiat de ele o bătrână (semăna asa mult cu bunica) şi cu ultimii bănuţi a luat de pe tarabă ceva (nu că avea nevoie dar ca să dea un ajutor celor doua fete ce i-ar fi putut fi strănepoate).
Cu glas blajin le-a întrebat : „ Şî di undi sunteţi voi?”. Răspunsul a lovit-o în faţă de i-au dat lacrimile „Din Uniunea Sovietică”. Cu toate acestea „Basarabia e România!”... încă. Rămâne ca şi Basarabia să simta asta.

version française

Là-bas c’est mon pays

Là-bas où sont les hauts chênes
Et, comme hauts chênes, grandissent
Garçons avec solides poitrines,
Regardant la mort en face ;

Là-bas où sont rochers et montagnes
Et, comme montagnes, les vaillants
Ne bougent pas, ceux aux tempes grises,
Dans la nostalgie de la patrie ancestrale.

{Refrain} :
Là-bas c’est mon pays
Et mon peuple roumain !
Là-bas j’aimerais mourir,
Là-bas moi j'aimerais vivre !

Là-bas où le ciel est clair
Et, comme le ciel clair, des femmes
Sourient, portant au sein
Des enfants qui grandiront pour lutter.

Et là-bas où vous rencontrez
Tout au long du large pays
De vieilles traces de bravoure
Et les os de ceux qui ont combattu ;

{Refrain} :
Là-bas c’est mon pays
Et mon peuple roumain !
Là-bas j’aimerais mourir,
Là-bas moi j'aimerais vivre !

Où l’on voit des piles innombrables
Sous lesquelles reposent
Beaucoup d’armées ennemies,
Qui nous infligèrent l’esclavage;

Et où l’amour de la terre
Toujours est resté debout
Et la bravoure masculine
A couronné tout homme;

{Refrain} :
Là-bas c’est mon pays
Et mon peuple roumain !
Là-bas j’aimerais mourir,
Là-bas moi j'aimerais vivre !

English version

It's Where My Land Now Lies in Wait

It's where the oaks reach to the sky,
And like the oaks the lads emerge
Into the battle then they surge
And look the reaper in the eye.

It's where the boulders and the crags,
And like the crags they wouldn't budge
The grizzled hair hardy lads,
In grief and longing for their lands.

That's where my land now lies in wait,
And where my brethren convent,
That's where the death I wish to bait,
That's where to live I would assent.

It's where the sky is always blue,
And like the sky the women glow
And cradle all of those that grew,
In wars to fight and die and go.

It's where you crunch on every step,
Across the far and wide of land,
The frizzled bones of those that fought
On old forgotten battle stands.

That's where my land now lies in wait,
And where my brethren convent,
That's where the death I wish to bait,
That's where to live I would assent.

It's where you see the mounds of dirt,
That cover armies of our foes,
Who tried to slave us and to hurt
And best us, but in that they failed.

It's where the longing for the land
Has always fought and took a stand,
It's where heroics and the valor
Crowned every warrior's armor.

That's where my land now lies in wait,
And where my brethren convent,
That's where the death I wish to bait,
That's where to live I would assent.


, cetăţean e-Sud Corean