[B&W Switzer News]Tutorial First Day

Day 2,337, 06:11 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter
Credit to :: http://tinyurl.com/uniofswitzerland

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I work as China MoFA-Journalist again this month, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

My Second article as eChina MoFA Journalist ::
Good day to everyone,
This is my 20th article, this is tutorial first day for newbe, and new player from eSwitzerland and all People around the world,
I take that tutorial from http://fedparty.forumotion.com/t2163p15-first-day-in-erepublik

Credit for Federalist Party

Enjoy your newspaper..

Your first few days in eRepublik can be tough. A lot of citizens find themselves trapped with no money, food or weapons and no one to guide them and eventually end up quitting.

So read this tutorial carefully

If this is your first day (or first week) in the game. There is no rush. There will be plenty of time: you can go from level 1 to level 20 in an hour.

On this screen here I am showing you the 'news feed' area. This lists articles written in the past couple of days sorted by category. These categories are politics, economics, warfare, social interactions and for you the most important category: 'first steps in erepublik.'

When I first joined, I actually did nothing my first day but read those articles. It doesn't matter if you ultimately decide you are a politician, soldier, newspaper publisher-- or some combination of all three-- in all cases it pays to be informed as to what is going on.

The Tutorial
If you look at this picture, you will see I have circled two parts of the tutorial:
1) working and,
2) training.
This is because I think you do yourself a disservice by trying to do too much at once. And here's why: combat in this game is determined by level. And these levels are grouped into four ranges called "Divisions."

If you zoom up the levels without first building up your strength, you will be a weakling compared to other people in your Division. You only get to train your strength a limited amount per day-- and if you don't pay the training fee, that means you only get to use one single trainingbuilding each day-- and so you might very well end up in Division 2, level 26, with a strength of 50 or 100. Some very meager little amount.

Look at Fingerguns. I circled her strength so you can see it. She started the game before you did, and thus has accumulated many more days of training than you. It is better that you stay in Division 1 and work on your strength until you are ready to move up.

Working and Get a Job

The first thing you should do is get a job. You can find one in the job market from the huge plethora of jobs available. After you get hooked up with a job, you can work for the salary you just gained.

Just follow the arrows on this screen.

To get to this screen, click on "My Places" on the top, just above the red circle. Then, click the red circle if you end up taken to a different place, such as your training ground. Finally, click by the big red arrow so that you can "Get a job."

This next screen shows a list of prospective employers. Let's assume you want to someday run a business, or you just like making money. Pick one of the names from the top of the first page-- salaries are shown in decreasing order, so the higher up the page you go, the better you will get paid-- and that's it. Your 'boss' in-game takes care of the rest, including making sure your character is assigned a slot. You get paid,

Now if you have applied and all goes well, you will see a message similar to the one here. It will say something like "Congratulations, you now work for Clint Carmel." Once you see that message, click the green button on the right. (On this screen I have highlighted it with the down arrow.)

If all goes well you should eventually see this:


The next step is to go train at the training grounds. Remember to only use your free training ground, it isn’t economically wise to use gold to train until you have higher level training grounds. Simply click on train and you will be able to become a stronger soldier as you continue your journey on eRepublik. Next, you should take your reward for working and training for the day. You should do these 3 steps everyday.

Every day you get to train. Eventually you will have 4 training centers. The other 3 cost gold to use, but this first one is free. It costs gold to upgrade, but using it is free. To get to it, click on "My Places" (where I have the red circle) and then click on the second tab, where I have the red arrow.

Finally, click the green box that says "TRAIN" on the lower right hand corner. Voila! Your strength just went from 0 to 5.
If all goes well, you will see this next screen:

You will notice that you have 'missions' that you can complete in the game. These are located on the bottom left corner of your screen. There is a mission for training, which you have just done.

Feel free to click on these if you are curious. If you can't do a mission, it will leave it there; you don't forfeit anything if you can't accomplish it right away. The 'training' mission is the middle one, the flexed arm with the bulging bicep.
You will be suitably rewarded for completing the training mission:

Get your Daily Reward!

After you have worked and trained for the day, go back to your home page. (Click on the picture of the house next to where it says "My Places.")

You will see the box that says "Daily Tasks." The top of the box says 'Work and Train,' and below that it says 'My companies' and 'get rewards.' Go ahead and get your reward!
You will get +1 Strength, and +1 Experience Point.

And you are done for the day! I hope you enjoyed this walk-through of your very first day.

After that, go to your profile and upload an avatar on your profile page. All of these steps will give you XP points. You can also do missions at your own pace (don't break your bank or your health trying to finish them all) to get more XP.

You can and should work and train everyday: working everyday rewards the Hard Worker medal and your daily wage, and training makes your life worth living by building up your ability to mow down countless TWO enemies.

Also, it is strongly recommended to save up on the gold that you get as you level up for training grounds upgrades. Levelling up becomes significantly harder as your journey on eRepublik progresses, and this ~20 or so easy gold (1 gold per level), should not be wasted away.

Health is a number on your left sidebar, under your name and avatar. Working and training in every training ground consumes 10 health per click. You can gain health by eating food. All new players start up with one Q1 food company and the necessary FRM(Food Raw Materials) companies required to run it.The department of Interior, as well as several political parties, run programs to supplement the food needs for newer players in our country.

If you look on your own profile, you'll see you get two locations put on the side of your profile: your current location, and your citizenship. You can change your location by clicking that change link next to it, and paying a variable amount of CC, depending on where you want to move.

What your location allows you to do:
- Fight for the location country and her allies in a normal battle
- Fight for the location country only in a resistance battle
- Apply at a job in the location country

With eSwitzerland currently in a re-construction phase, several military units require movement of their soldiers for completion of their daily orders. In most cases, this is completely funded by the MU, saving the moving costs cost for our soldiers.

Unlike your location, citizenship is free to change - but it requires a country's congress to approve your request. Citizenship allows you to participate in a country's political process, including voting and running for office. With eSwitzerland facing stronger and larger enemies, it is strongly recommended for newer players to stay in the country and helping us fight off our enemies.

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter