+And the first wave comes to a close+

Day 466, 19:52 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

The first wave of the American invasion of Mexico comes to a close very soon, and with a resounding
pounding of the Mexican forces eUS prepares to add a few more states to the union.

But my personal warning:
We cannot let this victory go to our heads, yes celebrate, but we cannot begin to think that we can go out and kill Indonesia single-handedly now. I'm tired of reading about people saying "Lets go kill Canada now, I know we could do it" But we need to think to that, Why? They've been good allies for a long time and have been loyal to the alliance.

A active citizen ClammyJim wrote an excellent article about the effects this will have on the alliance http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/slightly-delightful-news-183069/1

I believe we also need to realize while most people are against open imperialism (myself included), it is necessary to have minor imperialistic traits if we want to pose an active threat to PEACE. It is necessary to have imperialistic actions for either alliance to the other. The best one could do is defeat a nation, occupy them, force them to resign from their alliance and then release them.

We will also have some thinking time on our occupation plans, as we cannot press the attack until day 470 when the border problem is fixed (Mexico doesn't border Mexico..wut?)

Many are pointing the finger at the U.S for violating the ATLANTIS treaty and although I (like many) do not know all the facts I think it is going missed that Romania and Spain violated the treaty and didn't have half the response eUS is getting over it.

I am personally pro-war but only for the benefit of the country, not the alliance. However one side of me remembers the great quote of J.R Oppenheimer

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds"
