[AMP] The Rescue

Day 2,434, 20:13 Published in USA USA by Piggy Boot

Hello. I’m Piggy Boot. Chances are, you’ve never heard of me, and you don’t know my story. Truth is, I’ve had a rough life. Take all of the challenges, hardships, and pain in your life, and multiply it by about 15 -- then you’ll have about half the difficulty of my life. This is me when I was born:

Pretty cute, huh? Yeah, I sure was… for a bit. When I was only a month old, I was stolen from my family by horrible pig thieves!

This group of swine terrorists trap and torture pigs for a living. This is the sick, disgusting, disease-ridden sty that my friends and I suffered in for 3 years:

That’s right… 3 YEARS! That’s 3 years of loneliness, depression, solitude, and an empty belly! It was a life that I didn’t want to live -- a life that no pig would ever want to live.

When I had almost completely lost faith and resigned myself to this dreadful way of living, my saviors arrived. Who were my rescuers? None other than the AMP:

Pictured above are Israel Stevens, John Killah, Evry, and Code-Y. These noble men shot down the evil AFA men from where they stood and liberated us pigs. They took me under their wing, and here I am today, the Recruitment Director of the AMP, giving back to the party that did so much for me.

Us AMP members stand by one another, protect one another, and stand for nothing that isn’t morally correct. This, ladies and gentleman, is the story of why I am an AMP member.


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