
Day 745, 18:12 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoDefence
请大家改在 Rhone Alps 作战。



一旦我们的议会决议宣战,或者我们的盟友被攻击,我国就自动进入战争状态。但战争状态 不一定有正在进行的战斗。只有任意一方的总统切实地点选了对某个地区“开战”的按键, 战斗才会开始。

战争 指两个国家之间的一种状态,即战争状态和和平状态。战争没有时限。
战斗 指两个处在战争状态的国家之间,就某一地区所展开的交战。战斗一般持续24小时,时跨 两天。


每一场战斗都是在一个地区进行的。战场界面最上方中央的名字就是地区名,中线的左右分 别是主战的双方,国旗下面还有盟军数量的显示。左边是进攻方,右边是防守方。
在国旗的 下方分别是双方的战斗英雄(即当前为止该方势力输出伤害值最高的人)和他的输出值,由 定义可知,战斗结束时,每方只能有一名英雄。
两位英雄中间的时间是战斗倒计时牌,除非 协议停战、一方撤退,战斗不能在倒计时为0以前结束。
计时牌下面会有fight按钮, 你可以通过点击输出一次伤害(-10生命),或者由于你不能参与这场战斗,fight 按钮就由“你无法参战”的提示框代替。
再向下的中央就是战场了。与“secure”平 行的数值是城市的初始生命值,与“conquer”平行的数值是0。红色区域里面的数 值是城市现在的生命值。当计时器到0时,红色区域如果在secure线以上(即城市生 命值大于初始生命值),就是守方胜利,倘若红色区域在conquer线以下(即城市生 命值小于0),则攻方胜利。若在两者之间,战斗进入死亡竞赛模式(加时赛),红色区域 超过sec ure线或低于conquer线就立即判定守方/攻方胜利。战场的左右两边是“盘口” ,即刚刚输出过伤害的人,和他们打出的伤害值。


高属性高等级玩家,常由政府出资添购各类“装备”以最大限度发挥他们的战斗潜力。一般 一个“坦克”(TANK)有能力造成总值30000以上的伤害,如果政府召集了一批“ 坦克”,那么 几分钟内输出值可以在20万,他们的出现可能会扭转战局。

绝对不是。以美国为例,21000公民中只有几个“坦克”,饿虎架不住一群狼,没有每 一位公民的支持,我们是不可能赢得战斗的。同时,随着你在游戏里的成长,也许有一天你 也会成为“坦克”呢?

虽然坦克的杀伤力惊人,但是,使用体力包的坦克作战是性价比最低的一种战斗方式。一般 来说,广大公民的常规作战,才是决定一场战斗胜负的首要因素。只有当常规力量接近时, 才会使用坦克。


在每一个“游戏日”里,只要你战斗过,就可以去医院治疗(每天限1次),因此,如果你 所在城市没有医院,先进行一次战斗(-10体力)然后飞往北京或者上海进行治疗(-4 体力)。中国只有北京和上海有5星医院( 每次治疗+50生命),所以,请所有新人选择以上两地作为出生地或购买机票飞往两地之 一。
进行输出的前提是你到达5级且生命高于40。如果你在5级时生命已经低于40,可以找 中国福利部帮助你。


目前,e-China参军的条件是力量达到5,并且服从政府的调度。请通过训练提升自 己的力量。


不同国家组成的军事同盟。PEACE曾经与美国等国为敌,现已解体。刚刚成立的Pho enix继承了原PEACE的主要实力。EDEN是与PEACE对抗的另一个军事同盟 。BROLLIANCE是美国和加拿大的正式政治军事契约。 随着美国加入EDEN,BROLLIANCE的成员都是EDEN的成员了。


1. 某块其他领土正被进攻。
2. 24小时内有败仗,但会因正在进行战斗而保留先手权。
举例:某国正在进攻A地区,同时他输掉了B地区的战斗,先手权保留直至A地区战斗结束 。也就是说该国可以在A地区战斗结束前继续进攻C地区,这样即使A地区战斗失败了,他 仍然继续保有先手权。如果输掉了最后一场战斗,那么就丧失24小时先手权(反之则保留 )。总统可以在24小时内进攻同一地区两次。


对于防守方,在同一地区进行的战斗,只有第一场战斗可以撤退。如果第一场是起义战斗, 则无法撤退。

1. 攻方撤退,无惩罚。
2. 守方撤退,24小时不能进攻该地区。
3. 撤退后假如在另一场防御战中胜利,第2条的惩罚失效。

封锁先手权(initiative lock)

读了以上规则,你会觉得攻方相对守方有很大优势。以数月前的美国为例,葡萄牙、俄罗斯 、印尼在美国的三个地方分别发动战斗,由于葡萄牙最先动手,因此美国由于先手权规定1 只能在俄罗斯、印尼入侵的地区参战,胜则无利败则失地。这就是封锁先手权的 典型案例。北美战争中加拿大也是靠这条规则拖延了匈牙利数月之久—匈牙利可以打赢每一 场战斗,但他们没有先手权,不能主动发起攻击。


协议国的任意一方的本土(现实世界中拥有的土地)受到攻击则该协定生效。任何协议国( 即前文战场界面介绍中的同盟国)公民都可以直接在本国参战,而不用买机票飞到交战国。


Wars begin in eRepublik when either the Congress declares war, or a country our nation is allied with is attacked. The actual attacking is ordered by the respective Presidents. This can result in a situation where two countries are at war, but not actively fighting as neither President has “pushed the button” in order to initiative a battle.

This is the basic result of the War Module, the battle. The country on the Left is attempting to conquer the indicated territory. The Country on the Right is attempting to prevent it. If the red area is in the No Mans Land, the country on the Right will be the winner. If the red area is in the Underground, the country on the Left will be the winner. This is decided when the timer hits 00:00:00. If the red area is between No Mans Land or the Underground, the battle goes into sudden death and the first country to force the red area to their respective target wins. Moving the red area is accomplished by fighting. If you are the attacker, you will subtract points based on your damage when you fight. If you are the defender you add points based on your damage.


A Tank is a high ranked player. They are given gold and weapons by their countries government to maximize their damage potential. 1 Tanking player fully funded has the potential to cause more the 30,000 points in damage. When you get a whole bunch of these players together, more then 200,000 points of damage can be done in the space of a few minutes, leading to “wall flipping” where a previously large barrier of damage points suddenly disappears.


Actually, no. There are 21,000 US Citizens in eUSA, but only a few dozen tanks. In the long run, the general citizenry can cause more damage. The Tanks only come out at the end to claim the victory. If they do not have the support of every low ranked player, the enemy may be too entrenched for them to claim a victory. Due to the linear nature of the game, if you stick around long enough you too will be considered a “Tank” compared to the other newer citizens.


Chances are, you have been born into a state without a Hospital (an absolute necessity for fighting). Please fihgt once time before moving.
The only States with the Q5 hospitals in the e-China are Beijing and Shanghai.
To move to those states, you need a moving ticket.
Other requirements for fighting are being level 5, and having 40 wellness. Fighting is good, because once you have fought, you can then go to the Hospital and gain 50 wellness (if it is a Q5, which both of our Hospitals are).


The War Module explanations are many and varied, but they are also overly complicated. This is the quick nitty gritty, with terms explained.

INITIATIVE: The Country that is allowed to attack has “Initiative”. A Country does not have initiative (and therefore cannot attack) if….

1. It is defending a territory anywhere on the globe

2. Lost a battle in the last 24 hours.

Those are the two basic rules of Initiative. But they are subject to an exception.

Exception to Rule 2: If a country is attacking Province A when it loses a battle in Province B, initiative is not lost, provided they win in Province A. If they seem to be about to lose Province A, the President can still attack Province C before the battle in Province A ends, and thus preserve initiative. However, if the last open battle closes and no attacks have been won or started, initiative is lost for 24 hours. Additionally, a President cannot attack the same province twice in a 24 hour period.

RETREAT: Retreat can occur in the first 6 hours of a battle. The rules of Retreat are

1. If the attacker retreats, there is no penalty

2. If the defender retreats, initiative is lost for 24 hours in the particular war that the battle was open in. The defender can gain initiative in a different war provided they are not under attack anywhere else.

3. If the defender retreats a battle and then wins another defensive battle (in that order) initiative is gained, and the attacking country cannot attack for 24 hours.

Rule 3 was used by the USA to flip Russia’s initiative and started the final campaign of the North American War.


This occurs when a country permanently loses initiative and cannot attack unless circumstances change. If you read the rules for Defending and Attacking you may have noticed that the attacking country has an amazing advantage. While a country could win a battle in one war, if they are attacked by another country through a different war anywhere in the world, they cannot attack themselves. This happened to the USA a few months back when we were attacked through 3 separate declared wars by Portugal, Russia and Indonesia. We could win every battle against Indonesia and Russia, but not be able to counterattack because we were still defending against Portugal. Just mix around the names as needed and you get the general idea. Initiative Lock can also happen if there are many territories that can be attacked. Canada was able to prevent Hungary from attacking for weeks during the North American war using this method. While Hungary won almost every battle, they were unable to attack because Canada has always made sure to launch a new attack before an old one has closed.


Stands for Mutual Protection Pact. An MPP activates when a hostile country attacks a home region of another country with MPP’s. This allows citizens of an Allied country to directly participate in a foreign war without having to move to the belligerent country. The MPP’s are represented on the battlefield in the “Allies” list underneath the belligerent’s flags.
