Fundo lig/desl

Thanks, Obam..I mean, Plato !

0 Dia 3,683, 09:01 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Gold at 443 now up from 410 and 390 earlier.
500$/ounce in sight?

(_) yes
(_) no

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The Last Jedi ( spoilers )

2 Dia 3,677, 13:34 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Disney need to be destroyed...

That's all I have to say. They really need to be burned to the ground...

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A wild Paul Ryan rises...

2 Dia 3,673, 12:12 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Notice the sudden avalanche of crying billionaires ( oh sorry, big company owners ) in eUSA crying about how they are being "oppressed" by higher taxes.
2% higher taxes apparently.

I can't help but laugh out loud at the fact that these "poor"

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De ce eRep are nevoie de un razboi nuclear total

5 Dia 3,639, 05:10 Publicado em Romania Romania Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Lupta asta ca potarnichile prin curte in doru' lelii este abureala - and you all fucking know it.

Nimeni nu o sa vina pe jocul asta cand stie ca nu are nici o sansa sa ajunga la nivelul celor 'vechi' sau 'hoti' ( sau ambele ).
Un "Nuclear War"

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Returning player here

4 Dia 3,600, 11:47 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Exactly what it says on the tin.
Got bored, quit, got even more bored , came back.
I am like a fish out of water here so I could use a guiding hand.


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