Zbogom Makso! - Farewell Max!

Day 923, 18:31 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ludak021


OBAVEZNA tematska muzika!!!!!oneeleven1!

Otisao nam je dragi Makso Ferlandic 🙁

Kaze coek ide nazad za juesej (USA), pa ako bas mora, sta cemo. Vraca nam i pare za RW...dusa od coveka, nije ga on digao, a posten, sta ces.

Mnogo nam je svima zao i ja mu ovom prilikom zelim sretan put i da mu kofere ne pogube, mnogo ce mi nedostajati. Pricali smo na chatu, pili zajedno (iako preko modema, moj 64K njegov 24K, odnosno moj spor i pisti, a njegov zlatan ko i mastercard) i lepo smo se iscaskali.Cak sam mu i 50 golda dao (ja sam Superhik, pijem kao prvo, a kao drugo kao ministar sam vas pokrao, vas siromasne i eto njemu bogatom dao).

Zbogom Makso, nadamo se da ces nam se vratiti jos jednom i tuci protiv zlikovaca i neprijatelja nasih jos koji put pa da opet zajedno zarakijamo!

Sve najbolje Makso Srbine! o/

ENGLISH version

(top-most link is theme music, it's really sad music 🙂 )

Our dear Makso Ferlandic has left us. 🙁

He said he is going back to ju-es-ej (USA), well, man has to do what a man has to do...He is a good soul and since he didn't start RW in LionKing he is returning our donations to NBS (good one Makso! 😉 ) he is a really fine and honest man, no doubt.

We all fell sorry for this tremendous loss but we wish him good luck and a good trip and we hope he dosen't has to endure endoscopy on his ju-es-ej airport and this language arrives too!
I will miss you very much Makso, we had our long chats on irc, we drank together (or was it just me) me over my 64k modem and you with your 24K modem (mine was slow screamy thing and yours golden as your mastercard 😃 ). I even gave him 50 gold (I like a Superhik hero, always drunk, robbing from the poor giving to the rich).

Farewell Makso, we hope you will one day return and aid us once again in our battles against villeins and our enemies and that we will drink again once more!