Zazen -_-

Day 2,437, 09:18 Published in Ireland Serbia by Nyx Lynx

Well some of them were perplexed by my previous article and asked me why I wrote it?

Some bitter ejealous creatures had expressed hurtful feelings about the number of votes and readers I get expecting me to care. So I thought I might as well get some more!

I got about 30+ extra subs for 1 line so that’s good 🙂
Thanx for the votes and subs!

Oh and I have gone completely rogue. I have renounced Dioism.

Why? Let us just say my interests don’t align with theirs anymore. It is better I get out of the way than be a nuisance.

My favorite Dioist hands down has to be Jazzie (Dio Jazar). He is so funneh fun fun!

Besides it doesn’t make sense contributing anything to ePathetikistan anymore.

I am in Ireland and I like it here. So easy-going and positive. I now pretty much know all of you to a fair extent and it is very friendly.

It fits the zazen side of me for the most part. No I am not a Buddhist. Zazen is great. This is a RP game for me and that’s all it will ever be.

IRL I am completely anti-war and pro-peace, especially peace within oneself. It gives you enormous clarity and ability to focus. Hatred is easy. Controlling your mind takes great patience, willpower and strength. That is the way of a true warrior.

Humans have a tendency to get fixated on a substrate. Letting go of attachments that clutter your mind is essential.

War is irrational. Rationality and intelligence are not the same thing. Irrational choices are sometimes made due to bias. Removing this bias should be the aim of education.

Ok back to erep, in some thread Walter recently made a nerd joke directed at me for being in mensa. The irony was not lost on me that somebody playing erepublik would diss someone else with nerd jokes. It was like Krakken calling Alexandria black 😃

Speaking of Krakken, he recently opened a can of wormholes in the Schrödinger's Cat article when he said Quantum physics has nothing to do with his field of study which to some level is also my field of study. *facepalm*. So it felt like somebody had kicked my dog.

According to Moore’s law, the number of transistors on a microprocessor continues to double every 18 months. So we would be entering the subatomic level soon and our regular laws will not hold good anymore. This necessitates us to deal with quantum laws.

Yes, the next big thing would be graphene and then quantum computing but these are very relevant areas that need to be explored.

To actually stop thinking in 0s and 1s but to allow for quantum superposition will change the way we program (not saying the traditional computers would become obsolete); the quantum computers will solve problems that never could have been solved before! That is FASCINATING!

Even in the field of computer networking, cryptography plays a major role. If RSA can be cracked in 10 seconds, there goes everyone’s security.

No “learned person” is going to talk about it dismissively like Krakky had done 🙁 . You personally might not deal with it, but companies like Google, NASA etc. already have invested lots of money on this. MIT gets a lot of research grants.

Um ok I am done. Science is amazing!

On my own quest for peace whilst fighting fake erep wars,

Nyx Lynx

(The Calm Storm)

Attacking me is like punching a strong concrete wall. I don't let anyone invade my personal space. 🙂