Day 647, 11:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cun-Bo-Dawex

I have been meaning to write an article about the state of ireland of late and this latest action has got me outraged, the Fools of Eire have caused the number 1 irish citizen to leave ireland, and when i say number 1 citizen i mean Grainne Ni Mhaille!

First Starks, a promising politican on the rise, he messed up and decided he couldnt take it any more so we shone him like he was nixon, but people, remember how he was before presidancy, he was your friend, your leader your equal and now he is a doomed outcast

Then LR, LR was a great irish citizen no matter who says what, it was never really cleared what happened to the money in the community org, but ill say this, He DID gove it back, he was attacked and harrased even if he maybe deserved it

Then Bryan, a hard worker, done a great job as Mof and was constantly riddled with insults and attacks he then decided to leave because he lost his MoF position a rash decision at least!

Then Digits, Another great man, dedicated most of his RL life to this game, he left for unknown reasons but he made it clear it was a serious problem, we forgived him and everybody knew his potential, he created a party and forums that i believe is already falling apart and now you fools caused him to leave all his hard work is gone

and now finally Grainne, grainne was my biggest inspiration, i assure you even during RL she was thinkin of ways to better eIreland, she fought hard, worked hard and in return the "Suits" drove her out, so this begs the question dos trying to do good for your country end up in you getting drove out?

Now i have considered leaving many a time, when i lost the PP, when i lost the MoC when i was screwed over by every party i joined but i said no, there is still hope left, but now that grainne is gone i just dont know any more, our country is falling apart and it is a few people who are doing it, who all know who you are!, stop before eIreland is ruined!