XX: Official Party Presidents

Day 1,058, 14:15 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome you to the shortest newspaper in the eWorld. This edition we have a special treat, which is also quite informative! In it, I'll give you the low down the officially endorsed candidates for Party President this month in America. These are the candidates that have already been elected by party primary out of game to represent their party as Party President. Respect these parties wishes as the Presidents have already been selected and vote only for them so we can avoid becoming this:

Not something America should be

We are under PTO threat this month, so be sure to get it right.

So without any further debauchery from me, let's begin the lineup for this month's official Top 5 PP candidates.

First, I officially endorse Melissa Rose as the Federalist Candidate. Why? Mainly because their party held a primary and decided by a 98% majority that she was sexy enough to do it. Also, she's a pretty cool gal herself and should definitely be awesome at the job. Also also, the Feds are being PTO'd by some friend of Pizza's. Don't do it. Vote Melissa Rose.

Next up is another party under PTO threat, the American Trade and Defense Party. My endorsement for their party is HobbitTon, again mainly because he's the only legitimate candidate from what I hear. He's also a cool guy and a friend of mine, and hey, he's running against Pizza the Hut so let's not have another one of those debacles again. Anyways, Pizza sucks, vote Hobbit. NEXT!

SEES, ladies and gents, SEES. Rainy Sunday is the officially endorsed candidate for SEES. She's nice and one of the hardest workers I know. Vote Rainy Sunday for SEES.

USWP is up next, with Laxsnor winning thier Primary, thus their Presidency. Haliman graciously stepped down in a show of unity, and I personally think that Laxsnor will be an amazing president for our nations top party. Zombie love.

And now, for my own beloved. UIP. We've had some good times together this month. I know I said I'd run, but it just can't be so this time.

I hereby withdraw my candidacy for Party President and invest all my powers of sexiness into Pheno Sony. Not that he needs my endorsement, but he is a seriously awesome guy. We need all UIP to vote for him come election day. We are under threat from PTO. Pheno will lead us to glory.

Melissa Rose for Federalist Party \o/

Rainy Sunday for SEES Party \o/

Laxnor for USWP Party \o/

Pheno Sony for UIP Party \o/

HobbitTon for ADTP Party \o/

It's been a hell of a run people. You'll see me next month, so no worries there. In the meantime, stay frosty. 😉