XVI: Cabinet and Contempt

Day 1,052, 08:43 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Let's just get straight to it folks. Here's my cabinet for UIP. You know them, you love them, you would most certainly like some more of them. By the way, did you know that UIP functions in stop motion? True story. We get more work done like that.

Enjoy the music and the lineup folks.

Party President: Athanaric
Vice Party President: Little Benny

Chief of Staff: Pheno Sony
-Deputy Chief of Staff: CRoy

Secretary of Elections: RaccoonGoon
-Chief of Elections: Jenny Cleaver

Secretary of Members: Dan Heylin
-Chief of Members: NielP99

Secretary of Recruitment: boodo330
-Chief of Recruitment: KillerAtLarge

Secretary of Publications:Ido2407
-Chief of Publications: CrayolaButthole

Secretary of Communications: The Sensei
-Chief of Shout Squa😛 Justin McCravok
-Chief of IPA: Pheno Sony

Secretary of Education: J03 Freyer
Chief of Education: Ido2407

Secretary of Technology: Chris Shnitzel
-Chief of Technology: ssomo

Secretary of Fun: Llamaco
-Chief of Fun: Holen

Staff Advisor: Kazeal
Staff Advisor: Justin McCravok

Director of Independence Investigation Service: CrayolaButthole
-Chief of IIS: Caden Wayne

Commander of the UIP Militia: CrayolaButthole & Kazeal
-XOs of UIP Militia: Justin McCravok & Hakael

A little lesson I learned in Congress from an ex-member yesterday: if you ever decide to resign from Congress, you should do so without proposing a lulz impeachment of the newly elected President.

Apparently (and I didn't know this so I don't know if this is news or not) once Congress even proposes an impeachment, they must wait at least 7 days until after the impeachment was proposed to a propose another one. And so, America, what this means is that were our fair ape leader to be put in serious harm, hacked, fly off his rocker (which is not at all likely), or befall any danger or issue which would keep him from his duties and put the country in harm, there would be absolutely no way to impeach him at this point. For 6 days, we are without that power and safety.

Because this paper needed more cat images

But thankfully, ladies and gents, our president is a sexy beast, and is the likelihood that such an occurrence would...occur is very slim, even by optimistic standards. It basically was a giant screw you to congress that could have gone without happening. Nothing more really.

In summary: if you ever get the urge to be severely beaten and violated in cruel ways by Myles Robinson, feel free to do exactly what dear Necros Xiaoban did. I have Myles' personal assurance that you won't in any way enjoy it.

But he will

Stay frosty America. o/