XIX: Hello to Homeland

Day 1,057, 14:55 Published in Czech Republic USA by Little Old Halfling

Hello, my homeland, my dear Czech Republic. I just wanted to stop by and say this:
Jednoho dne, budu s tebou. Do té doby, bavte se. Mám tě rád jako kamaráda.

And so does she

You may be wondering how this is possible. I'm an American, living in America, and haven't moved to Czech to publish this. Well if you want to do this, and if the admin don't change this, you can click here for instructions on how to publish like we used to.

Admin has screwed us once again, which is why should go here and make your voice heard. If you hate the new media as much as I do, my Czech friends, let your voice be heard.

Děkujeme vám..

Quick update for the fellows back in America. I changed my cabinet around a bit as there were some issues with people and responsibilities. For the updated and final roster of you Athanaric UIP cabinet, check here.

Stay frosty everybody.