XIII: A Simple Request

Day 1,047, 09:05 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

I love Fight Club. There was a point in my life where I would watch it at least two times a night before I went to bed, after reading a few chapters out of the book. I can quote it on command, and I accidentally inspired one of my friends to create a fight club.

That didn't go over so well. But that's not the point.

The point is that I honest to goodness love it. Really I do. I also harbor an affection for Max McFarland 2. He's a pretty cool guy in all honesty. I know some people don't like him for their various reasons, but I think he's legit. So, suck it if you've got a problem with that.

Third awesome thing about this situation is that Brad Pitt plays Tyler Durden, and along with MM2, I also really like Brad Pitt. Again, if you have an issue with that, please submit all complaints here.

My only caveat to this seemingly wonderful situation of self-destructive improvement is this:

For the last two weeks I have had to log on to eRepublik and see, at every third click in the ad bar, this picture.

It's begin to take a wear on my sanity. I feel like Big Brother is just staring through me and seeing the compost heap I'm going to become. This is my life, and it's ending one minute at a time. And as much as I love the article, it needs to stop.

This is my simple request.

Please stop. I don't know how much longer the advertising is supposed to go, but please, just stop it now, and save what little shred of humanity I have left.

If you need incentive, here's a puppy taco.

Take the ad down and I promise you, you can have as many as you like. They're delicious, and the only friend I have right now.

Stay tuned for more cool stuff in the very near future.

Stay frosty, people.