XI: Sexy and Shoeless with Richard Nixon II

Day 1,044, 20:07 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Hello ladies and gentleman. Now, this isn't the interview I promised you, but a new interview opportunity that just came up, and one which I think is quite exciting. With his recent election into congress Richard Nixon II has spring-boarded into the political scene. Facing down Pizza the Hut, Nixon is a true example of good old American conservatism.

A great guy, and a great friend, Nixon has a lot in store for Conservative America. And this is just the interview to give it to you. As part of the shtick for this segment of my newspaper I'll be doing, all interviewees are asked to submit a picture of their sexy shoeless feet.

So without further ado, here are Nixon's feet, and the man himself.

Even his feet are conservative

Athanaric: First off let me start by saying thank you for your photo and time. Those are some pretty sexy feet you got there. How do you feel about your feet?
Richard Nixon II: Well personally I like my feet. Although they do take some abuse. Between playing golf and wearing dress shoes I tend to get cases of athlete's foot. Plus my feet are white and my legs are brown. Other than that I'm cool with them.

Athanaric: Understandable. Now, let's talk business. Why did you pick to merge with the American Defense and Trade Party?
Richard Nixon II: Well over the past couple months, we have been involved in a special relationship with the ADTP. When we were PTO'd by Pizza the Hut, they allowed us to run Congressional candidates through them and they have always been helpful and willing to assist our party. You could also say the same about the Federalists, however they're party is more stabilized and it would feel more like we were merging into the Federalists rather than merging with the Federalists. It also has to do with our national security. As many of you know the ADTP has experienced a decrease in the number of active members and we feel that moving to the ADTP along with the AMP would increase the stability of the top 5 and keep threats to national security such as Pizza the Hut from gaining power.

Athanaric: Does your merger affect standings with the Federalists then?
Richard Nixon II: It does affect our relationship with the Federalists somewhat. Obviously we will be running Congressional candidates through the merged party and not the Federalists. However party leaders Greene12 and MelissaRose have been very supportive and encouraging of our party and I hope we can continue our relationship with the Feds both professionally and personally.

Athanaric: Okay. What exactly does the Republican Party bring to the table for the ADTP and what can the ADTP's merge with the Republicans really do for them?
Richard Nixon II: The Republicans bring many positives to the Republican Party. First we bring a solid group of about 10 active members. Second we bring a party business, 2 organizations, and an estimated 20 gold. Lastly we bring a sitting Senator as I was recently elected to Congress. The merge is beneficial to both parties due to an increased pool of mobile voters, Congressional candidates and blockers, and more active members to replace the ADTP leaders who have left eRepublik.

Athanaric: Are there any foreseeable issues that can be encountered with this merger, or any reason there may be problems with the people involved?
Richard Nixon II: Honestly the only issue that could pose a potential problem to the merger would be the name. However the ADTP has agreed to hold a party wide vote on whether a name change should happen. I am of the opinion that if you’re truly going to have a merger, you should change the party name to one sufficient to both parties involved. I am a fan of CRoy's suggestion of changing the name to the American Patriot Party (APP), as this would represent our beliefs and values as a merged party.

Athanaric: And just what are those beliefs?
Richard Nixon II: We believe in defending America at all costs. This is evident due to the fact that we have agreed to give up our sovereignty as an independent party and join forces as a measure to stabilize the top 5 and protect the United States from a PTO. Especially with the merger of the American Military Party, we stand for all American soldiers and stand up for the patriots that keep Phoenix from gaining power.

Athanaric: Now for some more personal questions. You’ve been recently elected as the second Republican to ever be in Congress. This also being your first time in congress, what are your thoughts on it so far?
Richard Nixon II: I find Congress to be quite enjoyable. I'm still learning the ropes but I feel that my time in Model Congress prepared me for the challenge of being in the real Congress. I love discussing political matters with my fellow Senators and I feel like Congress is really where I can make a difference. Plus the Congressional Medal and Senator title is nice too.

Athanaric: What do you see as being some of the top issues facing the ADTP and senate in this coming month?
Richard Nixon II: Well as far as the ADTP goes I think our major issue will be restoring the public image of the ADTP. They have taken much criticism in recent months and we want the American public to know that we are working hard at improving the structure of our party and increasing our membership’s activity. As for Congress I believe one of our main priorities will be overhauling the FEC and re-appropriating funds for the military and other defense organizations due to the revamping of both the war and economy modules by the admin.

Athanaric: Speaking of the war module, what do you think of it? Any issues you see as being needed to overcome by America?
Richard Nixon II: Well as the war module itself goes I really enjoy it. It’s a lot less time consuming and I think I will find it more enjoyable now that I'm in the process of graduating from the US Training Corps and transferring to the National Guard. Although personally I have had trouble fighting with the battle screen freezing up, this is expected due to the promptness of the admins changes. As far as America's military policy, I think it would be best to wait until the admins work out the details and we have a finished product to work with.

Athanaric: Back to politics. Pizza the Hut has been vocally angry about the “takeover” of his party, and with this merger I can only expect that he’ll be even more distressed. Do you have any words for the former PP?
Richard Nixon II: Well as you know Pizza and I have a long history and we have been participating in a series of radio debates as of late. I would just like to state that Pizza the Hut broke our party charter by running against our primary elected candidate and that he has repeatedly posed a threat to both our party and the country as a whole.

Athanaric: What are some of the specific things the new ADTP is planning on instituting to combat this sort of behavior?
Richard Nixon II: We are still working out the details but hopefully we will have a Party Presidential primary to help combat the threat of a PTO. Also I hope to strengthen the relationship between the ADTP and the other top 5 parties to ensure that we receive the proper support in the case of a real PTO threat.

Athanaric: Alright. Is there anything else you would like to say?
Richard Nixon II: I would just like to say thanks for the interview and I am confident that the ADTP-Republican Party merger will work to the benefits of all parties involved and the nation as a whole.

I hope you enjoyed, and again, stay tuned for exciting things.

Stay frosty. o/