XCVII: A Trip of Unusual Sorts

Day 1,190, 09:34 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

In honor of the 25th Anniversary of the Legend of Zelda.

And before you say "There goes Ath on one of those crazy trips again," read.

A Journey of Thought
It's not often that an article gets me really thinking about the game. Some notable writers who have done that are ligtreb and Nicholas Ryan, and I would like to thank them for that. Today, I read an article by Gulden Draak and it got me in a similar vein of thought. I have a lot of respect for the ability with which Gulden writes, and if you're not already subbed to his paper, you're pretty much not a proper American.

In it, he talks about a coming of terms with the fact that we all are roleplayers, and we really do. It's the only true thing for everyone in this game. However you choose to interact with this game, on some level you are roleplaying. That's part of the game, and it's supposed to be that way. I try to separate myself from the more major RP elements as much as possible, but it's not possible unless you're dedicated to it.

There's been a lot of hubbub over congress and JCS and NWO and all the things that generally get us worked up. In my last Party President race, for instance, I ran on a campaign of pissing people off. My specific goal was to make people angry, to get people agitated, to show them that the amount of the RPing the UIP has recently indulged in is wrong and should be cut. I overstepped there, and I ended up hurting people, including myself. I have apologized elsewhere for that, and I will again here.

But it gets you thinking. What is the proper amount? Where's the line? What constitutes as RPing, what doesn't, and what sort of balance do we need in the game? I like to experiment, so here's me experimenting.

The next dozen articles I publish will documenting my journey into the various facets of roleplaying in eRepublik. I'll interview quite a few people about their opinions on RPing, putting myself into various different situations where RPing or lack of RPing is, and just generally exploring the various psychological and philosophical aspects it represents in this game. I don't think I'm going to come to any sort of answer about it, but I'm certainly interested in exploring this more thoroughly.

Take it as a scientific exploration of this facet of the human psyche. Take it as whatever you want really, because I'll be doing it. It all begins with my 101st article, so keep reading and tell your friends if you're interested.

Speaking of that landmark, I'll be doing a little revamping. You may notice this paper to be less picture filled, and that's going to be something I do more. More talk and thoughts, and if a picture really helps, I'll put it in. But I'm a writer, so I'll write. For those of you that only read this for Susan, yes, she will still be here. No worries.

I'll also begin to feature a feedback question after every article, as well as doing some other things to help with people's interest.

And you can definitely be excited for my 100th article. It's gonna be fun. 😁

If you think you have an opinion you'd like to express on RPing, or a suggestion of where I should go and interact, or even just any sort of comment, send me a PM or post in the comments section. Let me know, and it may come true.

Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to setting out on this thought journey.

Vote Athanaric in Ohio on the 25th!

Stay frosty, thinkers.