Why France is the worst training partners one can have.

Day 4,956, 07:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Today France went full circle .


They are really probably the worst training partners one can have . Second worst is turkey. Although i dont see turkey interfering in my holding companies anymore. But the damage was done russian holding company was gutted a month ago.

Now I understand why we have training wars and training partners.

Sure we make more money from wars but really guys just stop it. If we are buying everything are we really making anything from the true patriot medals we are gaining.

i dont think so for everyone under Legend. I dont think even for legend anymore. Lets look at a list of my holding companies:

Virginia - USA (full bonus region) occupied by france.

x cannot work as manager there is a direct war between the country this holding is located in and your citizen country

Sevillia Spain occupied by france

x cannot work due to direct war

Toulouse - France

x cannot work due to direct war

Murcia Spain - occupied by france

x cannot work due to direct war


x cannot work here anymore as I moved all my factories to spain and is in the progress of moving them to the usa.

I dont know,I can produce enough weapons but never really have any to sell

Food i used to produce enough for me for the week but will have to start buying now ,cost for me in a week 20000, that is more than half what I earn through True Patriot medals.

I have already asked our congress to remove france as a training partner due to their continued aggression all across the world.

i dont care what your reasons is vark out of that region there is 48 other regions you can play with in the usa why do you always zero in on the full bonus regions.