WHPR [Day 1,206] Are You Doing It Right?

Day 1,207, 14:45 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1.) Be an Ambassador
2.) Presidential Report
3.) Pony Express Revs Up
4.) Alphabet Soup
5.) Vínculos importantes

Pause for real-life: Heart-felt wishes for your safety and wellness go out to our friends in the Pacific regions affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Americans remember the generosity of the Japanese people after the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans. Please give to the relief organization of your choice.

Ambassador Posts Still Available:

Jelly9473, your very gloverly eUS Secretary of State, is looking for few good Ambassadors.

If you are strong, handsome, capable, intelligent, and self-contained, then congrats and give me a call at [deleted]. LOL

Srsly, though, even if you don't yet embody all the elegant qualities of a master internuncio, so long as you can claim some degree of character and dignity, then you have what it takes to be an Ambassador. Ofc, it helps if you also know a boatload of foreign languages. But that's not a requirement either. Can you deal with google translator without completely losing your marbles? Great, you are on your way to an exciting diplomatic career!

Those interested in becoming an ambassador, fill out this form: Ambassadors Applications. And hurry up. Do it now before someone else gets to impress those hot Slavalakadonian babes with some enticing ambassadorial credentials.

Presidential Report:

Keep your browsers pointed to today's eUSA news feed.

President Glove is planning to release an article soon in The Vanguard World outlining his views on the current world situation.

In fact, just go ahead and subscribe to the President's paper now so you won't miss it.

Pony Express Revs Its Engine:

Under the direction of America's favorite hippie, Jude Connors, the Pony Express has pumped up the volume.

Get out on the road with Easyrider, now bringing you links to fun and exciting new American writers along with the top news stories of the day.

Vote these suckers up!

Billy: This is nothing but sand, man. They ain't gonna make it, man. They ain't gonna grow anything here.
Wyatt: They're gonna make it. Dig, man. They're gonna make it.
- Easy Rider [1969]

Alphabet Soup:

Feeling a bit FEC'd because you don't know the difference between the SoH and the CoS? Trying to sort out the OMS, the IES, the EC, the CBO and the DOI? Do you think AA is where Ambassadors go after spending too much time swilling vodka and slivovitz?

Not to worry. Help is at hand. Check out this handy guide to Common Abbreviations and Definitions Used by Congress.

If you are subscribed to the WH Press Room (WHPR) and to the following papers, then congratulations because you're doing it right.

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Easyrider, from the Pony Express

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

xio, PQ