Who’s next for Washington?

Day 579, 11:43 Published in USA USA by Inwegen

Hello Washingtonians,

As you may or may not know, I am your current Congressman and have been for the past 4 terms. I served as your nation's Secretary of State for about 3 terms and I am the current Chief of Staff for President Scrabman.

As you may have heard, I am stepping down after this term and thus, the seat of Washington State Congressional Representative is open. This leads me to the purpose of this article: Who's next for our great state?

I come to you today not as a politician, but as a fellow Washingtonian for all of my real life and in game. Now, many will say that RL residence really doesn't matter. But for our state it does. My predecessor was Jordan Miller. He served as your congressman for 7 months before he decided to step down and ask me to run. The two things he said to me were to make sure my successor was A) a USWP member or friend of the party. The USWP has held this state for the past 11 months. The USWP is very grateful to you, the citizens of Washington, for your continued support and trust of our great party. 😎 He said was to find a bright, young player who shows a lot of promise and will be able to serve for many more terms.

My friends and neighbors, I have found the perfect match and your next Congresswoman from the great state of Washington! Her name is Dania and she is your best choice for a strong future!

Dania and I met on the eve of my re-election as congressman for the May term. She sent me a message wishing me luck and asking for some pointers on how to start her e-life. On her second day in this game she was already wanting to become involved and was willing to do anything to help myself. Dania has proved to be a true friend and devoted eUS citizen.

Dania joined the USWP when she became eligible in game to join a party and she has worked hard to prove herself to the party since. It didn’t take much time for the party to reciprocate our trust and gratefulness for all of her work. She has been active in finding new party members going as far as designing Project 40 for the USWP to recruit new players that recently joined the game with the purpose of offering them pointers and helping them become more involved. She has been willing to do anything her party has called her to do and has performed well above the call of duty.

Major Dania is the Press Director for the eUS Mobile Infantry paper: The MI Battle Cry. You can read some of her work here. I’m sure you can ask any officer in the MI about her contribution and they would tell you that her dedication and hard work has been invaluable and that someone with her work ethic is difficult to find in this game.

I encourage all Washingtonians to vote for Dania on the 25th. If you are on the fence of who to vote for this upcoming election, I encourage you to send a message to Dania and get to know her. I promise you that she is the right candidate to represent our great state of Washington in the eUS Congress.

-😃ania for Congresswoman – June 25th, 2009=-

Thank you for your time,

Current Chief of Staff
Current Washington State Congressman
Former 3 time Secretary of State
Former USWP Communications Director

-😃ania for Congresswoman – June 25th, 2009=-