Whats next!!! OOPS???

Day 1,578, 08:16 Published in South Africa Australia by Don Vin
A new Dawn

First and foremost i would like to thank all the OOPS members that went beyond all opposition in order to endorse and vote for me, special thanks to Damien Wolf and MoS for the assiduous and indefatigable anti-PTO efforts that allowed me this opportunity to be PP, i am forever indebted to you all

I will not take this task you have entrusted me with a lackadaisical altitude, it’s my exceptional intent to deliver the promises i made during campaign season, since this will be my last PP term this year it should be with it

- to Increase overall efficiency of the party and the GC
- to increase our minimum influence in congress
- to increase the party membership
- Continue the other party projects still in the pipelines
Click to view Party Chambers version of goals(OOPS Members only)

These are 4 dreadfully wearisome goals, I therefore call for oomph, vigour, pliability and fortitude from all OOPS members in order for us to succeed in the goals above
It won’t be easy but we create opportunities, we dream opportunities, we speak opportunities, we live in opportunities, we are the Open Opportunity Party of South Africa

New members are very welcome
Please Join the Forums if you have not joined yet and to the rest of the public click here to join the most happening party in the eWorld

Don Vin
OOPS-Party President

The Hitman from OOPS!!