What Sleeve Reads!

Day 706, 21:37 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

eRepublic newspapers come in all sorts. They are written by eRep Icons, ex Presidents, statisticians, economists, newbies who could have spent their two gold drastically more prudent, and myself; a self proclaimed novice.

They can be informative, dry, funny, insulting, and the more prevalent type; annoying. Something I've had to govern myself from is in how I comment on the ignorant, freshly-out-of-the-cabbage-patch articles from newbies. As fun as it is to get a zinger in there, it is the sign of a better person to try to pass along some basic game mechanics on to them. It is all well and good to promote the Welcoming Committee, Meals on Wheels, and the DoD Orders. But when the temptation is there for you to either troll or teach, which will you choose?

Ah Yes! The title needs to be explained. These are two papers that do not promise free food or weapons for subscriptions. What you will receive is an education of the game and its inner workings that greatly overcome any petty donation or bribe. You will know more about mechanics, current events, and different aspects that you may not currently realize are present.

Defense Intel Review written by Aeros

Shining in the Darkness written by Astra Kat G

Franky how they are stuck below the Media Mogul line, I cannot fathom as they have been constantly providing me with substantive, entertaining information. I am willing to spend some gold to promote them both with citizen ads if anyone wants to go half in with me. Keep in mind I am fresh and not horribly endowed with coin. *AHEM* everything else I am properly endowed with be assured.

My own rant:

If anyone uses the phrase 'up their sleeves' in a newspaper, shout, or in game message; I will call you out on it. I find it rude and offensive. You should feel ashamed for talking about me in such a capacity.

A) I am no one's property,

😎 You do not know me like that, and you should at least have the decency to buy me a few drinks first.

Seriously, even if you're not civilized try to act like it.