What Is Wrong With You People?

Day 1,172, 07:33 Published in South Korea Canada by TroyTrojansCoach

For the record, the purpose of this is to unify the country and to get Koreans to open their eyes and pursue better venues of playing this game and I will be stepping on people's toes. So here goes:

Why would ANYONE fight against South Korea in any situation? If you (as in anyone reading this) care about South Korea at all, you would never fight against your country. I don't care who is in power; it can be RL Koreans, Americans, English, Austrians, Romanians, Theocrats, Japanese (ok maybe not Japanese), but I would never defile this country by fighting against it. The only time I fought against South Korea was when I was a United States citizen following orders in the US Army.

Also, this name-calling and finger-pointing has got to stop. NOONE cares (as in no one involved with this childish rivalry) about who runs the country. The only requirements a leader should have is the willingness to work and a clear work ethic that benefits South Korea. We haven't had a leader in months. You can argue that all you want but it is true. The South Korean presidency is a joke now. It is just a popularity contest. If you get enough Romanians and enough people who hate Romanians in the country, you get a Civil War that breaks apart this country. I'm located in Taiwan! This should never be when we have citizens with our strength. Our country could be a real contender in the Asian scene but everyone is too busy fighting over whose p**** is bigger instead of uniting this country and working together.

This will probably have no effect on anyone since your heads are up your rear ends, and because I'm not a RL Korean, Romanian, or anything else important in this country. I've fought hard without saying much in this country. I have been an active citizen standing in the background watching and saying nothing. This is getting out of hand. You people have ruined this game for many Koreans. I may be an American in RL but I am a Korean at heart. My blood runs pure and true with Korean passion and thats what it should be for everyone else. I would like to thank anyone who has pursued peace, unity, and what's right for the people (not the leaders) of South Korea.

Long Live South Korea!
Long Live RL Koreans!
Long Live Romanians!
Long Live All Other Groups!
Long Live PEACE And UNITY!

Go New World Order!