What changed in 2 years?

Day 2,639, 09:33 Published in Hungary South Korea by HMS Dreadnought
Dear Readers!

And especially lying greedy not even close to 'dear' admins...!!!!!!!!

Does anyone remember the date 18/02/2013?

No? Well, let's have a look then on erepublik's facebook. This is the day when after an official erepublik meeting has taken place, they published this particular photo:

Awesome! Well then let's see what these talented hardworking programmers managed to put together in the past 2 (TWO/KETTŐ/DUE/DOS/ZWEI/DY/два/dvě/δυο/dwa/два) years. Yes damnit 2 years, aka, 730 days:

New erepublik map:

Happily announced with green circle, that it's beta released!!! Wow, well guess what. It's still in beta, and lacks so basic functionality such as full screen mode or displaying the resources on the map, which is, well, what, kind of just the core of the game? One of the most important thing in the game?

Oh wait, I'm just being cruel. There it is, the resources on the map!!!! 2 years of hard work has to have its fruits folks!!!
(But it still lacks full screen)

And of course why wouldn't you choose from the basic colours for representation other than BLUE AND GREEN, the closest ones to each others so my eyes just blow up after 1 minute of watching this. Sure, please don't choose seperable colours such as maybe red...


Introduced!!! WOOOHOOO!!!
Did they touch it since then and introduce new functions? Nope

Guerilla fight:

Introduced!!! WOOHOO!!!
Did they touch it and introduce new functions? Barely, only when they had to if the whole system collapsed...

Categorising items in inventory, new items regulalry, industry for guerilla items, market for guerilla items? Forget it stupid citicens, just buy a gold pack instead!!!!!!!!!


Introduced house industry!!! WOOHOOO!!!
Did it change anything? Nope, and we are still waiting for Q6-7 factories which AS PROMISED should give extra recovery...

Did they change the core of economy so it can be a pleasant experience on erep once again to be a company manager? Nope.

Just a quick reminder folks:
Back in time we had income tax, not work tax. That's right, when a manager took out his profits from his companies he had to pay income tax for the country. AND YES! YOU'VE SEEN IT CORRECTLY!!! There was actual ***** profits in industries!!!!!!!!

Let me thank erep owners in the name of all of us their true and deep commitment on making this game better and better every day and not using it as a money collecting scam project for years.

Cheers, goli

Mass Shout:

What changed in 2 years?
A quick review of erep's progress.
