Well, that was an interesting day.

Day 713, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

Croatia was successfully defended from three different sleazy men today, you went to ladies night again didn't you? Alaska became the victim of a cheap pick up line from Russia, realizing their mistake they quickly called Canada to get a ride back home. Come on Alaska, you should know better then to resort to online dating. Why not give the new guy Australia a call? His accent is dreamy!!

Finland is still in the process of fending off the constant free drinks from Latvia and resisting Russia's unwanted advances. If you want to help her get her self esteem back feel free to send a txt msg.

Thats what I can teamwork ladies! I am impressed. Keep it up and we'll beat that pesky sorority from across the street. Even though they always try to crash our mixers.

The Presidential election is almost upon us. Good luck to all parties. It may end up a close one, eh? I look forward to a multitude of tastefully almost nude citizen ads.