We told you...we told it...

Day 635, 22:37 Published in Canada United Kingdom by GregoryG

Dear eCanadians!

You fought well, to your last breath. But why? We said you: you are just shield. You are not our main target...but you choosed the fight, the resistance, the fall...
Results? Broken state, devastated economy, diyng ecitizens, strong honour. My respect is yours...like the eHungarians against the eRomanian Empire on the side of the Indos, you fought to the last minit to defend your allies...but the eIndonesians never betray us,..and never gave up...

Put yourself the question: Worth it? Is the eUSA our best allies...?

I never say, that the PEACE and eHungary is not "evil" in your point of view...We did what we were trained to do, what we were bred to do, what we were born to do...so you do...

Where is the justice of the honour and duty? I think, if we want to find it, we must avoid the eUSA...

Colonel of Hungary