We made Congress!

Day 2,165, 17:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis
English version below

Beste burgers der eNederlanden,

Eindelijk, na 8 lange maanden, mogen we weer een Congres kiezen! Het waren 8 zware maanden, maar we hebben het gered! Er ligt een mooie toekomst voor de eNederlanden open. Eindelijk weer 4 regio's, zoals het thuis was. Dit is ons nieuwe thuis, genereus aangeboden door Canada. Hier kunnen we groeien, sterker worden, en uiteindelijk onze eigen gebieden weer opeisen!

Afgelopen zondagavond hebben we eindelijk een overeenkomst bereikt met de Canadezen, over de huur van 4 regio’s van hen. Te weten; Yukon, Northwestern Territories, British Columbia en Alberta. Ook is deze overeenkomst door beide parlementen goedgekeurd.

Maple-Tulip Agreement

1. eNetherlands will receive Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, and Alberta
2. eNetherlands will transfer 8% of its revenue (both income tax and the 50% congress gold tax) to eCanada per region loaned
2a. For further clarification, only the congress gold collected as tax by the government will be included in eNetherlands’s revenue and subject to transferral; Congress members’ remaining individual gold will not be subject to taxation
3. Should eNetherlands safely own all regions adhered by clause 1, eNetherlands will transfer ⅓ of its aforementioned revenue, superseding clause 2 (this is mostly for simpler calculations)
4. To ensure no swindling on either side, the payment per region shall have a minimum cost of 3k per region, and a maximum cost of 6k per region
5. The payment will be paid on the 5th and 20th of each month, using the tax income of the preceding month
6. eNetherlands is forbidden from further renting out its eNewDutch regions to a third party without eCanadian consent
7. Further changes to the rental agreement can be negotiated during the monthly renewal
8. The Maple Tulip Agreement will last one month, and will renew monthly with both parties’ approval

Joint Defence

1. Should eCanada open an RW in an eNewDutch region, both sides will fight on the eDutch side to secure the region for eNetherlands
2. Both sides agree to a monthly MPP to secure joint defence
3. In addition, both sides to defend each other’s territories with the highest priority, and defend against direct invasion, airstrikes, and PTO attempts
4. Should eNetherlands lose control of a region due to RW, eNetherlands will attack eCanada upon joint agreement, retake the region, and TW for the duration required before peace
5. Should eNetherlands lose a control of a region due to a foreign attack, both nations will place the highest priority on elimination of the third party and securing eNetherlands’s presence in eCanadian regions
6. eCanada and eNetherlands agree to work to further build relations and secure its brotherhood.

Deze overeenkomst zorgt ervoor dat we volgende maand, hopelijk, een volledig Congress mogen kiezen! Helaas zat dat er voor deze maand niet meer in, daar de USA zijn Noordelijke staten nog niet bevrijd heeft van Poolse overheersing, en het dus te onveilig voor ons zou zijn om verder Canada in te trekken.

We hopen dan ook dat de USA daar gauw in slaagt, en zullen hun daar dan ook graag militair in bijstaan. Zodat we eindelijk weer 4 aaneengesloten regio’s hebben. Natuurlijk hopen we Noord Nederland daarna zo snel mogelijk kwijt te raken, zodat we onze hoofdstad in Canada hebben en we kunnen genieten van de mooie bonussen daar! Ook spreken we met de Canadezen af dat we zo nauw mogelijk gaan samenwerken op militair gebied, zoals u hebt kunnen lezen in het verdrag.

Met deze overeenkomst gaat eNederland een nieuw tijdperk in! We zullen flink moeten groeien, zij het door een babyboom, of gewoon goede mensen uit de e-wereld zien aan te trekken. We rekenen erop dat de bonussen van 20% voor wapens, en 60% voor voedsel ook zullen bijdragen aan die groei.

tot uw dienst,
van Spijck

voor 'n vriendelijk gesprek vind u ons op #eNederland, en op #nl-supply voor militaire zaken.

English version

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Finally, after 8 long months we can choose a Congress again! Those were 8 hard months, but we did it! There's a bright future for our eNetherlands ahead. And again 4 regio's like it once was back home. Now this is our new home, by Canada's generousity. Here we can grow, become stronger, and eventually reclaim our territories!

Last Sunday evening we finaly reached an agreement with Canada to rent four of their regions. Namely Yukon, Northwestern Territories, British Columbia and Alberta.

Maple-Tulip Agreement

1. eNetherlands will receive Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, and Alberta
2. eNetherlands will transfer 8% of its revenue (both income tax and the 50% congress gold tax) to eCanada per region loaned
2a. For further clarification, only the congress gold collected as tax by the government will be included in eNetherlands’s revenue and subject to transferral; Congress members’ remaining individual gold will not be subject to taxation
3. Should eNetherlands safely own all regions adhered by clause 1, eNetherlands will transfer ⅓ of its aforementioned revenue, superseding clause 2 (this is mostly for simpler calculations)
4. To ensure no swindling on either side, the payment per region shall have a minimum cost of 3k per region, and a maximum cost of 6k per region
5. The payment will be paid on the 5th and 20th of each month, using the tax income of the preceding month
6. eNetherlands is forbidden from further renting out its eNewDutch regions to a third party without eCanadian consent
7. Further changes to the rental agreement can be negotiated during the monthly renewal
8. The Maple Tulip Agreement will last one month, and will renew monthly with both parties’ approval

Joint Defence

1. Should eCanada open an RW in an eNewDutch region, both sides will fight on the eDutch side to secure the region for eNetherlands
2. Both sides agree to a monthly MPP to secure joint defence
3. In addition, both sides to defend each other’s territories with the highest priority, and defend against direct invasion, airstrikes, and PTO attempts
4. Should eNetherlands lose control of a region due to RW, eNetherlands will attack eCanada upon joint agreement, retake the region, and TW for the duration required before peace
5. Should eNetherlands lose a control of a region due to a foreign attack, both nations will place the highest priority on elimination of the third party and securing eNetherlands’s presence in eCanadian regions
6. eCanada and eNetherlands agree to work to further build relations and secure its brotherhood.

This agreement provides us, hopefully, with a full Congress next month. Sadly that wasn’t possible for this month, since the USA haven’t liberated their Northern states yet from Polish oppression, and making it thus not safe for us to move further into Canada.

We hope the USA will succeed soon, and will gladly assist them with our military, so we finally have 4 contiguous regions. Ofcourse soon after we hope to lose Northern Netherlands so our capitol will be in Canada and we can enjoy those fine bonusses! We also agreed with the Canadians on a close military cooperation, as you can read in the agreement.

With this agreement the eNetherlands will enter a new era! We have to grow, by having a baby-boom, or just invite the right people from the e-world. We’re counting that the bonusses of 20% for weapons, and 60% for food will help achieving that growth.

at your service,
van Spijck

for a friendly chat please find us at #eNederland and #nl-supply for our military.