War in eRepublik. Good or bad?

Day 1,423, 15:54 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

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Article Features:
Update on my eLife
My takes on eRepublik Warfare
Top 10 non dip shits (not including myself)
Where did PencilPal go?

I've been very busy in the past week in eRepublik. My media career has started to kick off. I've joined the After Action Report team, as well has the Federalist Party News team. I appreciate the opportunities I have been given and I will not disappoint.
War. Is it bad?
Over the past month or so I've seen a lot of people that would like to see the war with Spain end. I have a different approach to this. In my opinion this is a game based around war. I feel that in order to keep everyone interested in the actual game there needs to be war. I would love to see an end to the conflict eventually, but for now I'm fine with fighting ONE. Yeah we may be in the prime of the war at our end, and they may invade our homeland once again, but to me that's just how the game goes. You win a few battles, you lose a few battles. That's the game. I don't criticize our president for trying to make peace talks with Poland and Spain. He knows this game a lot better than I do, obviously. I would just like to see us all over the map, being the envy of the world. I just can't really imagine an eWorld without war.
Enough real talk, lets have some fun
The last segment was my first real opinion on something in the eWorld. Now I have to balance it out with something dumb...
Top ten non Dip Shits
10.Chae Dee- Runs his own newspaper on the market. It's easier than actually having to go to the market.
9.Chris Hartman- He hired me. Nuff said.
8.Pencilpal- May have had the most successful first article ever. He was also an eFriend of mine.
7.Michael Raab- Runs a great newspaper. Great fed.
6.Cody Caine- Runs a political party, a MU, and a newspaper that gave me an interview. He's creating a brand.
5.Twisted-Pixel- He's a fed, and... he's awesome.
4.Portcolumbus- Runs a great newspaper... fantastic newspaper, sorry. That guy should have a media mogul. He was also very friendly to me when I first started out.
3.Jon Malcom- Runs a great newspaper. He's the king of entertainment in this game.
2.Soren Nelson- C'mon. He rides unicorns and shits rainbows. He was also the current PP of the feds when I joined, so he helped me a lot.
1. Gnilraps- He is the PP of the feds, and is the one who helped me the most. In a conversation I had with him I said "If i were to make a list of the least dip shitty people you'd be #1. I didn't lie. Great player, one of the few who actually helps newer players. Oh yeah and his newspaper is amazing.

Where did you go?
One of the best writers in this game was PencilPal. He was a pretty close friend. Unfortunately I believe he has gone inactive. The PMB was one of the best newspapers there was, combining witty humor with the news of the day. I will miss the daily articles and him as a person. Goodbye PencilPal.


to these newspapers

Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Hell Jumper
Meet The Press
Voice of America
Chae Dee Business
As G as it Gets
DOD Orders
The Allied War Report
Newbies Check These Out
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels
Goodbye fake America.