upgrading raw-companies

Day 1,296, 08:37 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

We all have them... crappy small raw-companies. And we all would like to upgrade them rather then be forced to buy an all new one to save us some health. And at least i wouldnt buy a new company at all because then i would have companies i couldnt use on my land and that would be a waste.

But i dont think that we will get that from the erep-admins. And there are three reasons for this:

1. gold
2. gold
3. we dont buy enough (gold)

But i believe the admins would get more people to spend gold if they let us upgrade our companies. Maybe the amount of reallife money spent would cover Platos (=admin) rent for this month? Isnt that enough?

my farm nice huh?

Would you like to upgrade your raw-company? Then sent 5gold to my citizen, maybe it helps... it would most certainly help me. You will get 10gold back eventually. But not from me.