Two Hundred Days* Day 1127: Winter Solstice / Lunar Eclipse v2

Day 1,127, 20:54 Published in USA USA by Iamnameless

* {New name needed}

This image adds visual interest to the article and was chosen for its seasonal nature.

(NEW) Mission Statement:
What's the paper's new mission? Hell if I know. For now at least, this paper's got no name, no mission and no publishing schedule. I can tell you this: I remain steadfast in my commitment there will still always be at least TWO hotties in every issue.

Get me re-write!

Looks like I got myself a forfeit point for my first attempt at publishing this article!

Apparently I "have created content which was declared to be not legal"... something about "Thou shall not contaminate the New World with filth such as External advertising, Spam,Insults, Pornography, Vulgarity or Racism."

Weird, huh?

There was no "External advertising"... certainly no "insults" or "racism", and I can assure you I personally examine all potential content very carefully to ensure no "pornography" or "vulgarity" sneaks in.

Oho, what's this? The nastygram in my eRepublik inbox pointed to my "Laws Infringement Page" - who knew? (This is my first FP.) Anyway, it was there that I found the nature of my sin was... Reason: Spam

Maybe they didn't think the pictures "directly related to eRepublik"? I'll add some captions; maybe that will help clear things up.

Hopefully, the whole article can help serve the eRepublik community by helping to clarify the rules using examples from an actual eRepublik article.

Here is a link to the relevant rules: - that can't hurt, right?

This is the total eclipse of the moon that inspired me to write this article for eRepublik.
photo credit: Gary A. Becker image from Coopersburg, PA.

Welcome back dear readers!

Thanks as always for your votes, subs, PMs and comments - I really appreciate them!

I played hooky today so I could stay up late and watch the total lunar eclipse last night - and it was so worth it! I figure I'll have a lot more workdays in my life than eclipses, so I try to make time for them when I can. Last night's total lunar eclipse was the first to occur exactly on the winter solstice in over 300 years, which made it a little extra special. The weather cooperated and as a result conditions in my area were near-perfect. Hope you got to enjoy it too!

Another view of the inspiration for this eRepublik article.
photo credit: Gary A. Becker image from Coopersburg, PA.

Well I dunno if it was the beautiful moon, the Christmas cheer I was enjoying throughout the night or what, but I woke up this morning (ok, it was around eleven) just full of holiday spirit and thought I'd share a few "heavenly bodies" with our dear readers. Naturally they will all help to further our understanding of the eRepublik rules. So enjoy a few Ho-Ho-Hos on me as we learn more about eRepublik together! 😉

There used to be a really nice picture here. Kind of arty... it was a lovely young lady dressed in festive garland and a string of lights. Perhaps not something to wear to the office Christmas party, but perfectly fine for sitting at home playing eRep.
Everything was draped strategically so there was nothing really "showing", but I've removed it just in case it might have violated one line in the Freedom of the Press Addendum:
"pictures in which persons do not have at least knickers (and bra, in case of women) are CONSIDERED to be pornography"
I mean, you've got to be pretty uptight not to like garland and lights, and my FP was given for "spam", not "pornography", but I want to remain in full compliance with all the rules, so out it goes.

There can be no doubt that bras and knickers are evident in the above image.

This woman's bra and knickers also appear to be in compliance with eRepublik policy.

Another example of how to comply with eRepublik requirements regarding bras.

OK, this one doesn't have all that much to do with eRep - but c'mon man, it's Christmas!

I was chatting about eRepublik with someone on IRC the other night, and they said they'd send me a picture to prove not all eRep players are guys.
Do you think this is really a picture of them, or are they just yanking my chain?

Another example of non-pornographic imagery according to eRepublik rules.

This one photo provides several examples of compliant imagery.

To avoid stress, it's important to remain flexible during the holiday season.
Poor posture could also result from playing eRep without stretching first!

These young ladies are excited about all the recent changes in eRepublik and are cheering the eUS on to victory! Plus, they're definitely wearing knickers.

These girls are discussing the pros and cons of fighting barehanded while they decorate the tree.

At this point in the article, there used to be another image that did not clearly show the woman was wearing a bra.
In fact, it was pretty clear she wasn't.
Now you might ask: Who could really be offended by a healthy young woman in a Santa hat and a smile under a festive tree?
Beats me... but I want to remain in full compliance with all the rules, so out it went.

The missing pic looked a little like this one, but this one is more compliant with eRepublik rules.

Above is another example of total compliance with eRepublik's "bra and knickers" rule.

Knickers are not an issue with the above image, yet it provides a clear example of bra-compliance.

Hope these holiday hotties have added to your eRepublik enjoyment, as well as a better understanding of eRepublik rules. With a little luck maybe I can get another issue out between now and New Years.
If you like, please vote and sub!

(Here I had hoped to get another pic in - two girls who really look like they know how to have fun while playing eRepublik.
Sure, they were wearing Santa hats and making out and there was no computer in sight, but they seemed like solid eRepublik citizens to me.
Still, it wasn't clear they were wearing bras, and by now you know how important the Bra Rule is.)

Until next time, as always,

Go eUS!