To do dishes or not to do them....that is the question

Day 2,506, 09:31 Published in USA Turkey by Blacksheep Counselor

Most people know that studying for an exam, which is all about concepts, can be challenging. Then this magical thing happens. The whole Summer I didn't feel like doing dishes and all of a sudden, the most appealing thing in the world becomes doing dishes.

Erep is also a good escape from learning about Social Policies and what approaches there are to policy analysis. Interesting enough I'm in Congress again this term again for the BlackSheepParty. Coincidence? I don't think so.

The dishes are done, an article is written, short due to the limited time I can waste, and it is time to continue cramming some more into that grey mass somewhere in my head.

Maybe soon an article will follow with some political debate analysis. It looks like there are many parties which use the "Values-Based" model over the "Strength-Based Integrated" be continued...


p.s. a comment and like would be appreciated. Still need to get them 25 comments etc.