There Has Been A Slight Change In Plans (Hello Texas!)

Day 545, 19:13 Published in USA Canada by TroyTrojansCoach

Instead of battling a friend for Georgia (Cynic Grim), I decided to move to Texas to compete for a piece of the 1250 votes in the state. I am aware that many of you under level 6 cannot vote but you need to start reading up campaign articles so you can start deciding on candidates and parties. I will be running for Congress in the greatest country in the world (and eWorld) under the AAP. My goals and values will almost completely mirror my party's views (Nationalist Party) with a few variances.

First off, let me start by saying what an honor it is to run in the great state of Texas! This is the state where no one messes with its citizens. This state has always been a rebellious bunch which I find necessary to keep the government uncorrupted and in check. They don't call it the LONE STAR STATE for nothing. Take the Mexican-American War for example. Texans didn't like the way Mexico treated them so they rebelled and became their own country, the Republic of Texas. Later they decided to join the US and become the greatest state in the greatest country.

Enough with the history lesson: on with the reason why you are really reading this article.

First, I would like to address my ideas on ATLANTIS. I believe this alliance is more political than military so it either needs to disentegrate or be reformed where all associated countries get the same MPP deals as the PEACE countries get that kick our red, white, and blue rear-ends everytime we attack. We did a good job against Russia but PEACE vs the US is just not very even. If we had just a few minor allies in that battle, we could have taken a region vital to our economy.

My war policies are EXACTLY as the Nationalist Party describes it: RAWR. There needs to be less fancy talk and more action. Every country trying to take advantage of the smaller and weaker countries around them (Indonesia and Hungary) is not taking a day off from advancing their forces against the rest of the world, so why should we sit around and make peace agreements when we could be organizing a full scale war against PEACE to make the lives of every citizen who opposes PEACE much less stressful.

There is not much justification for Texas to have a Q5 hospital since it has a Q4 so the only thing I can do there is try to gain some supporters and try to fight that one to the end. Texas does have a lot of citizens so it could better our country, wellness-wise. I will be supporting the building of better hospitals in other states as well solely for my primary goal which is to make the greatest country in the world even greater.

I am opposed to raising taxes due to the healthcare of the citizens of Texas but I will not support lowering them either because funds to the government are necessary to run the country and support my RAWR policy. I also do not believe we need to rely on high imports because that could hurt our economy.

The Meals on Wheels program is an excellent program that was implemented after my early days but my friends have told me it has helped them get on their feet and stay active in the game. Activity is a key necessity to keep our country alive and kicking!

I fully support the National Guard and the other branches of organized military to gain citizen experience and strength which is greatly needed to defend this country.

Citizens, do not vote on me or any other candidate soley based on the party. I want you to vote for the person you believe as a voter is the best fit for the job. Base your decision on YOUR values and YOUR beliefs. You are the heart of this great republic and I or the victor of Texas is merely a representative of YOUR views. Vote how you would want one of us to vote in Congress. The decision is up to you. I wish the best of luck to my running mates in the upcoming election.


Remember citizens: "Don't Mess With Texas!"