The vile intentions of the low people

Day 1,585, 17:52 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Or was it the people of the low lands ?

While Eden is shaking on its feet, one of their obviously unreliable trial members, eNetherlands, is attempting to leave eBelgium without a congress. A former friend, one that they will more then likely never be able to count on again. The war of the beers is over, this is sadly another country to add to the trolls on the world map.

While you would expect a GEA member to do everything in its possibility to help the alliance, they’ve shown nothing but backstabbing and opportunism over the past few weeks. Nobody will have been unable to see that eNetherlands received great help from Turkish friends. They have thanked these Turkish friends by signing a Mutual Protection pact with Saudi Arabia and next by keeping Eden damages out of the conflict between Bulgaria and Turkey, this even to the point of hiring as many pro TEDEN mercenaries as possible. While requesting the help of iNCi they manage to show complete disrespect only to get a voice in a meeting. Diplomacy is clearly not their strong point.

They have claimed this war to be for fun. I’m all in favor of a fun war but if you want it to be fun, let it be fun for everyone. Yet, eBelgium is not allowed to defend itself with all arms a smaller nation has because that’s not fun. Congress had a chance today to prove they’re willing to allow eBelgium a congress and show their intention to keep this as fun and to live up to their word. I’m sorry but today they have lost all credit. They have taken the decision that it’s better to “punish” other players to put it in the words of their president. Punishment is not part of reasonable fun, it’s the kind of fun a bully enjoys. Congrats eNetherlands you’ve been promoted to the rank of eBully.

As people living in an independent country all of this strikes us with sadness and pain. We were not the enemy and while I could offer understanding for a “fun” war, I can not offer understanding for feeling the need to “punish” a group of players who hasn’t done you any wrong. Tides turn in the eWorld, in fact they’re already turning, it was noticeable yesterday.

Forcing people into your binary worldview will not make this eWorld a better place or a better game. You’re delusional if you believe that people keep playing eRep to push some buttons that say “Fight”, “Work” or “Train”. The success of social games comes from working together and making friends; making enemies will only cause you to end up with less players because having an “enemy” that bullies you is not fun for the majority of people.

2x Former President of eBelgium