The ultimate Butthurt aka Article 2 for that troll competition

Day 2,518, 16:04 Published in Canada Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

I saw just about an hour ago this civil/criminal forfeiture stuff the US government has. State v Box FULL OF DONUTS is apparently quite a popular one.

"Mam open up that box carefully..OH MY @@**@*@*@. Mam where did you buy this lewd donuts im now seizing."

Also based on US television does Pigs eat bacon? And would you be arrested for calling one a cannibal whilst eating bacon?

American bacon apparently according to the program Canadian bacon is not the same.

But in the ULTIMATE butthurt a US woman lost her car when it was forfeited due to engaging in sexual misconduct with prostitutes. Or being part of it anyway. Imagine her husbands explaining that shite. Uhmmm . Yes her husband was the one driving around and picking up prostitutes and see is the one with no car.

Apparently if you dont know what your car is up to its not a defense. Interesting.. But anyway so my thoughts rumbled on is this prevalent in eRepublik as well.

Well certainly our presidents b* was apparent seized by the orcs and will be returned to him upon completion of his term as good bOy. He will then get a pat on the head and a doggie threat.

Don Cretin aka Don Croata aka MUFC aka Pshycho's brain was apparently seized by his university and will be returned upon becoming an responsible adult.

Also apparently Canada has seized many of Irelands tirds* including Nogin The NOG, An SLaugh, Don Cretin and Alexandria the greatest loser and DIM B R I G H T S .

However we have a non return policy on all shite* seized so please keep em and cherish them because they sure are special.

Also their apparently planning a TTO or tird takeover so you guys better buy yourself an umbrella cause Don Cretins muttfly factory will soon be up and running and then it will be just tirds everywhere.

ps im reffering of course to the Jon Oliver show.

* Tird as in : Terribly. important. respected. dignitary.
*Significantly high-ranking Important Tea-loving Emissary.