The preferential Treatment of Baby USA

Day 3,078, 05:43 Published in USA Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

USA has a population of 323,341,000 people.

Of its 51 states the per capita income is from 21000 USD TO 45000 USD per year. South Africa has a population of 51 million people with a per capita income of 14000 USD per year. Which is higher because of probably massive salaries paid in the state sector. Serbia has a 2 million people workforce versus the 21 million workforce of South Africa and a gross per capita salary of 6636 USD. Interesting Alaska has the second highest median income per family and the 6th highest per capita income (but they get a kinda dole from the government as the minerals is considered the property of the people/probably to stop the killing off workers of big mines)

So if you ever asked yourself why are the USA getting preferential Baby treatment by papa Plato this is why. Because they have the money.

This is how the USA is treated

This is how actual baby countries are treated

And the bigger children

This is probably Serbia

This is not an insult to mericans but it seems like the reality if we look at 1 fact alone. eUsa have

regions. yes you can go count them.

There will be 20 resources in the entire game. So Serbia with 8 have to get 12 from other countries . the USA if they get 20 will actually have 30 to spare. So I dont follow the logic of this anymore.

How actually is the resource war still a resource war for them? When total resources equals 40% of total regions as opposed to the top country where total resources equal 250% of total regions.

And lets go further Plato said

Once the Resources are allocated and the event is over, bonus productivities of the regions will change, the rare resources regions will have better bonuses than the common ones.

Players’ Companies will no longer travel with them. Companies will be established on firm ground and benefit from the bonuses of the Region/Country they are based in. Taxes will be calculated accordingly and Companies will be subject to trade embargos once again. Players will get to decide where to base their current Companies.

Region specific taxes will follow enabling a higher taxation of occupied territories as spoils of war. As a next step we will be looking at the introduction of Regional Governments with elected officials.

So we are now looking at a regional value as occupiers will be able to set taxes for the regions as opposed to small countries in the past being able to set their taxes at 1% the USA could if there was any motivation for them occupy Mexico set their taxes at 25% to lessen their own taxes. Yes that is the effect of the new system. USA can occupy Canada and set their taxes at max and then siphon say 10000 from them a day and drop their own taxes a bit. Neat right.


because everyone knows Plato hates small countries. I'm ranked 132 in Serbia in eireland I was ranked 3 . We are the whales that feed the machine. There must be 131 people above me with rank 185 and up. Small countries have a small population and cannot defend their regions but they could drop taxes to make regions unattractive. Now they cant anymore.

But lets return to topic. The other thing that will dissuade bigger countries or should have if all big countries had any strategy skill is what we will call regional value.

Each occupied region will now have a certain tax value .Serbia's regions is worth 37500 per region the usa is worth 2549 cc per region. You see how Plato have build in further protection for USA. Let me put it like this in other games attacking smaller countries would have a motivational drop attached to it. If I with 100 villages attacked a guy with 1 village his motivation would be 400% mine 4% meaning although he would still lose all his soldiers I would lose say 70% of mine. So attacking hom was not economically feasible which is the strategy Plato is introducing us now. USA is per region not economically attractive to own. Owning 51 regions would earn you but 130000 whereas owning say CHILE would earn you half 60000 for say 5 regions.

So Plato did the USA another massive favor:Would you rather attack a medium country with 5 regions for 60000 or a medium country with 51 regions for 130000.

If big countries had any strategy they would start attacking other big countries but they dont really have to. I mean an income of 300000 pays for 30 MPP's a day and the other 29 days for 20000 q7 weapons per day.

So its doubtful that big countries will really lift their finger against other big countries. Because of the political game the pragmatic will forever dominate decisions rather than the strategic like in other online military games.

So all that Plato has done is made it more attractive for big countries to wipe small countries and play footsie with other big countries.

So dont worry USA papa will never allow this *

* No babies was harmed in the making of this article.