The new multicultular and enrichened USA

Day 1,870, 10:12 Published in USA Finland by rasisti seppo ei anna muonaa

American Finn's candidate for the e-president of the e-USA.

First of all, I'd like to thank my friend Cendorr (Jorma Kaaieppi IG), for inviting me to join the freedom fighting alliance party, AFA.
E-Finland is being run by a corrupt and small group of players, who also moderate the main debate forum, and irc-channels.

A little about me
Who am I, what am I doing here?
My former name, and current nickname in the Quakenet IRC, is rrraaavvcc, I am a year old finnish player, often considered as a troll in e-finland, and its communities. In e-finland, it was impossible to break down the "elite's" strong hold of power, but here, in e-USA, i believe that together we can break the corrupted governments, have a fresh start and make USA a better place to be! If we can break down this corruption in the USA, we will later be able to do it elsewhere as well!

The great party, for all the citizens of the erepublik world. Regardless of your citizenship, regardless of your status, we accept you as whom you are!

Some final words
This article looks a bit messy, and my english language is not flawless, and I appologize for that.
My past in erepublik is colorful, but i've had fun playing!
I accept players from all the countries to join me and my group, as Ronald and Cendorr did to me, and i wish that you too will stop being ignorant and help us break this horror