The Imperator endorses...

Day 653, 12:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by ImperatorI

... absolutely no one whatsoever. Why? Because the Imperator makes his own choice who to vote for, as do you. This is a democracy, the Imperator's opinion will not be dictated by the Collinites and the Tarazians or the Pearses.

This is my message to the endorsees and the mouth breathing general population.
1. Think for yourself and follow what your heart tells you is best for you and your country.
2. Stop making ads that pollute the right side of the Imperator's screen. His monitor was made in 2002 yes, it's company logo belongs to a liquidated company, YES, but it's still a mighty sexy piece of visual hardware and I will NOT allow you to besmirch the Imperator's beautiful blue eyes. Thanks as well for draining the much needed gold this economy needs and sending it in to the void so your ego can be satisfied and trampled on by the Imperator, because no one cares about who you endorse, even if you are Michael Dorn or Gore Vidal.
